Revisionist history is always interesting. Now Donald Trump has recast the origin of the family fortune. The truth is, his grandfather was a draft dodging barber, who left Germany and made a fortune in the Yukon running brothels and opium dens before fleeing the law and going to the United States. He started dabbling in real estate in Seattle, then moved to New York City where his widow and son became slum lords after he died from the Spanish Flu in 1918. But Trump would have you believe that the family fortune was made by his father’s entrepreneurial spirit.

I guess we should be grateful he doesn’t cast his father as a big strong man who cried and called him “Sir.”

Revealed, The Apprentice: Cockroach Edition.

Is the uncle still working at MIT? Because now there’s a bed bug problem in Trump world that needs addressing. They could use a formula, bigly.

It’s embedded in the Trump DNA, screwing somebody out of a dollar.

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  1. Jeezuz H.Kreist on a cracker, the old hag in the middle makes me understand why some people are scared of clowns.


  2. Stealing chemical formulas to save money on roach control was nothing compared to what Trump would become. His supposedly high-end Doral Resort down their in FL (the one where he tried to grift some coin by forcing the G-7 when it was going to be our country’s turn to host) is notorious for its bed bug problem. Seems like the ever cheaper assed Trump doesn’t even bother trying to control the problem even with ripped off pest control stuff. Hell, he probably kicks himself for spending as much as he did on roach control back in the day!


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