You’ll enjoy this clip from the Voters Value summit back in 2007. It should have been evident to us all back then where the cultural divide was going, but I was blind to it along with many people. I was too fascinated by a young politician named Barack Obama who was going to run for president. I had fallen in love with this guy in 2004 when he was the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention and I had predicted his rise in the party at that time.

So the level of bat guano you’re about to see was the farthest thing from my mind. But I got the wake up call in 2015 when you know who descended the escalator and our country descended into chaos. The tea leaves were there all along. I was just too stupid to read them.

This is Number Three on Right Wing Watch’s hit parade. Listen carefully. The lyrics will blow you away.

The grievance is knee deep. Looking at all of this with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, it makes perfect sense that somebody like Trump could have come into our political lives. He knows exactly how to push the grievance buttons, get the vitriol and the resentment flowing from the tap. He’s the lowest common denominator.

This clip is the gasoline. Trump was the match. It really is as simple as that.

And here are a few more bonus clips. The pro-Trump elements were always there. If the yous and mes are amazed at where we are today, it’s because we didn’t begin to get a real clue until Trump showed up.

This is a gem from only a few years ago. I missed this one. Rick Wiles is describing how men in black are going to rappel down ropes from helicopters hovering above the White House and drag Trumpty Dumpty out and behead him.

This one is short but it speaks volumes. This is Pat Robertson telling his flock how people with AIDS spread it directly with their (secret decoder?) rings.

I’m enjoying this walk down memory lane with the crazies. And it is instructive. It is literally true that vigilance is the price of liberty. We need to keep an eye on what the subversives in the country are doing. That was an idea ingrained in me as a child, except at that time “subversive” meant communists, because it was the Cold War era. But now it is the era of Trump and Trumpism and now it means the enemy within.

For the nth time I paraphrase Abraham Lincoln. “America can never be destroyed by outside forces. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves from within.” The man was truly a visionary.

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  1. The WH is one of the most heavily protected buildings in DC. What do they think the defenses would have done when those [imaginary] helicopters showed up?

  2. Over the years we have experienced a good number of, “EXTREME”, voices in Congress and high offices of government … I’m reminded of something a little ahead of my time, [there’s not nearly enough of that], it was the time of true, unbridled witch hunts …

    A man of self-importance, named, “McCarthy”, was doling out charges of Communists being imbedded in the entertainer business … example of a brilliant performer that had his life turned upside down was Charlie Chaplain, driven out of our country by the mouth of McCarthy … Chaplain wrote beautiful music as well, the tune, “Smile”, comes to mind …
    The words of that song so well fit the struggles he faced over time.

    The poison was spread pretty thick, because, like Ted Cruz, McCarthy did not know when to stop harassing’s against other members of the human race …

    The mega-mouths of the GOP should be rounded up and charged with being public nuisance’s and sent to be stars of the NYC street broom squads …


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