I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears earlier. Peter Theil/Donald Trump pet J.D. Vance stood there in Wisconsin and accused fellow Veteran Tim Walz, the newly minted Democratic VP nominee of Stolen Valor. Like Vance I too served in the Marines, albeit four decades ago. I’d just gotten turned down for Officer Candidate School (right at the time of the Barracks bombing in Beirut) and turned right around and enlisted. Unlike Vance, I volunteered for INFANTRY much to the dismay of the recruiters in nearby Carbondale, IL. Given how well I did on the Naval Air Test (I was set to become a Naval Aviator after OCS and Basic School) the ASVAB was a joke. I had a perfect score and could have picked any M.O.S. I wanted but I chose to be a grunt. Unlike Vance who chose to become the Marine Corps equivalent of a freaking journalist. Yet Vance’s remarks about being ‘in a combat zone’ imply HE went out and actually fought. Just who the hell is HE to be accusing someone of Stolen Valor? Clearly Trump’s influence has made this awful person even worse. Before long, he’ll be painting himself as Archibald Henderson, Smedley Butler, Dan Daly and Chesty Puller all in one!

Vance did in fact spend six months of his four years on active duty in Iraq. But he almost declared earlier he was a “fighting” Marine. No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t a grunt (infantryman) He wasn’t in ANY combat arms M.O.S. (that’s Military Occupational Specialty). He was, according to Military.com who obtained his service record a 4341. Not that any spot in Iraq, even in the Green Zone was totally safe (it’s still not the safest country to be in) Vance was no “ass in the grass” Marine. Technically he might call himself a Combat Correspondent but he never was out there and engaged in actual combat situations taking and returning enemy fire!

You know how I know that? Take a look at that title picture. Like many an enlisted puke I sometimes had officers point to my Good Conduct Medal/ribbon and say they’d trade every other decoration for it.  (to gain more respect from their troops) Not really, like any Marine if they didn’t earn the right to wear the Combat Action Ribbon THAT is the decoration they most coveted. J.D. Vance earned a few decorations but the CAR isn’t one of them!  But he’s making a Trumpian level implication that he WAS out there in combat. So, again I ask just who the f**k is HE to be accusing someone else of Stolen Valor?

Stick with me I beg you. You might assume someone has to be part of a combat arms unit, i.e. infantry, artillery, combat engineer and the like and forward deployed in frequent if not regular combat engagement with the enemy. Well, that’s not the case. Since Vietnam even office pogues or other R.E.M.F.s (rear echelon mother f**kers) can find themselves in a nasty situation. But coming under fire isn’t enough. From Wikepedia here are the criteria for earning a CAR:

For a military member to be awarded a Combat Action Ribbon evidence must establish the member engaged the enemy, was under hostile fire, or was physically attacked by the enemy. The service member must have demonstrated satisfactory performance under enemy fire while actively participating in a ground or surface engagement.[5]

In case you’re wondering that (5) footnote cites the source – the Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual (2019)  If that’s not plain enough a bit later on the Wikipedia entry makes it even more so – and relevant to what I’m writing about with Vance:

A military member does not automatically qualify for the Combat Action Ribbon. The CAR is awarded after the service member’s command takes into consideration the evidence and specified criteria. The evidence must show a service member was engaged in direct combat, not indirect or in an area where combat is occurring; mere presence in a designated combat zone does not qualify a service member for the award.[5]

Vance is a REMF punk making outrageous implications when he tries to taunt Walz with a comment like when did he ever carry a weapon into a combat zone? HE could have put his money, or more to the point ass where his mouth now is. He COULD have volunteered for Infantry or another Combat Arms M.O.S. He didn’t. He chose to be a writer, a military journalist. Which he’d later talk about as a high calling! But there’s more. One of those prominently cited in the Military.com article I provided a link to (you really should read it – it’s well done) Vance was profiled in Stars and Stripes, another respected outlet that covers military affairs.  I found this part, covering his six month Iraq deployment awfully interesting:

He spent his service working in public affairs, writing about Marines and taking photographs of their work, escorting civilian news reporters and speaking about happenings on base.

In Iraq, he embedded with different units to get a sense of their daily routines and wrote a story about a crew keeping KC-130J tankers in the air. He also waded into unprotected Iraqi territory with a civil affairs unit to meet with locals.

THAT is immediately followed by the “money shot” (sorry folks, can’t get the couch f**ker stuff out of my head. How much longer till there’s a porn parody?):

“I was lucky to escape any real fighting,” Vance wrote of his deployment.

Yet Vance has chosen to go portraying himself as some “Billy Bad-Ass Marine”, wading into hostile country like Rambo went into that town and shot it all to hell! Again, WTF? Just who the hell does he think he is? He volunteered for a job he knew was unlikely to put him in harm’s way. He spent six months deployed to Iraq with the Second Marine AIR Wing because that’s what the Corps ordered him to do. He actually expressed thanks over not really having to do any fighting.

Tim Walz also went where he was ordered to go. Not for four years but over TWENTY years Walz went wherever his orders required him to go/be. Like many of us who lived an active life physically when young as he approached forty I imagine the aches and pains started catching up to him. With over twenty years of service he qualified for a military pension and full benefits (including medical and dental) and moved on to the next stage of life. For the record, in the last couple of years of his service had wanted to move into elective politics. When orders were cut that would deploy his unit to ITALY he decided to pull the plug and concentrate on running for Congress. It was only a couple of months later, after Waltz’s retirement was a done deal (and someone new would take over his role) that the unit’s orders were changed and instead of Italy they went to Iraq.  If there’s any real Marine left in J.D. Vance he’ll have flashbacks to encounters with Sgt. Majors as Walz gives him “that” look should he try to talk this kind of trash face to face in a debate.  As I saw Maryland’s Governor (himself a Veteran) say earlier you don’t rise to the rank of Sgt. Major ‘just because.’ I recall one back at Henderson Hall setting a young officer “straight” (with the Battalion Commander, a full bird Col. looking on and smiling) with “Son, there are two types who get to wear stars showing their rank – Generals and Sgt. Majors!” You bet your ass the officer who’d insulted him stammered out an apology, followed by a request to be dismissed!

Vance is accusing Walz of Stolen Valor and more or less being a draft dodger. Yo J.D., if you want to talk about Chicken Hawks take a look at the ass-wipe who made you his running mate. And now, given the way you’re shooting off YOUR fat mouth implying YOU are a “real” “combat veteran” take a look in the f**king mirror!  I’ll guaran-goddam-tee that you fervently wish you had the right to wear that little colored ribbon shown in the title pic. Soldiers feel the same way about their version, the Combat Infantryman’s badge. I never earned the right. While I enlisted expecting to wind up in Lebanon Reagan had U.S. Forces turn away from the fight and come home. I’d meet Marines who were there including one who was lucky enough not to be in the Barracks at that awful, fateful moment.  Back then, any jarhead grunt I knew and plenty of others were furious we weren’t allowed to head up into the Chouf and kill every last gomer.  I didn’t want to get killed or wounded any more than the next guy. I DID feel a DUTY to avenge my brother Marines and those from other services who died. I’ll go to my grave knowing in my heart that had we been allowed THEN to do what we wanted to do, and needed to be done all that followed, from the overseas attacks, to the garage bomb at the World Trade Center to 9/11 and what followed wouldn’t have been necessary.

So today Vance has me in a white hot rage. Tell you what “stud.” I’m damn near thirty years older than you. Broken down and disabled. Highly prone to falls and big as I am when I hit the floor during a bad one where I can’t break the fall I get dinged up pretty good. However I live in an affluent suburb of Raleigh and NC is a swing state so you’ll surely be here at some point. Come on over to Cary and let’s meet up at the town square which is less than a half mile from my apartment complex. No, I won’t shake your hand. (I don’t want to think what you might have done with it and then not washed it with soap and water afterwards) I’ll toss my cane as far away as I can.  Just the two of us. You still young and strong and me putting effort into keep my balance.

Then I’ll loudly (I can still boom my voice like I’m calling cadence during a formation run) point out so anyone nearby can hear what I volunteered for when I went into the Corps and what YOU volunteered for. I’ll point out you are LYING by implying you’re a combat vet and the proof is there for anyone who wants to check – you didn’t earn the CAR.  You volunteered to be a punk-ass journalist and that’s ALL you were. I’ll call you out for accusing Waltz of Stolen Valor and say “As we’d say in the GRUNTS not only NO, but F**K NO!!!” I’ll call you the CHICKEN HAWK P*SSY you are right there to your face. Let’s see what happens next. That is, if you’ve got the balls to wave off your Secret Service guys and have a go. I know I’m not the only Veteran around here who thinks exactly what I’m thinking right now.  (Maybe if we all chip in and show up with a used couch from the Goodwill store across the way from my apt. complex, will that be enough incentive?)

One last thing. I tried, hard to find your actual rank you held when you left active duty. Corporal/E-4 is NCO rank in the Corps – the equivalent of Sgt. or Petty Officer in the other branches. The most commonly held rank in the Corps for those who serve four years on active duty and get out is LANCE Corporal/E-3. It’s not common but far from rare for Lance Corporals to be called “Corporal” but there actually is a difference and in the Corps it’s a big one. Maybe you did achieve NCO rank (E-4/Corporal) before you got out. If so good for you but why the hell is it seemingly impossible to find out for sure? Could it possibly be you’re lying about your freaking rank? I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that’s exactly what you do when you allow people to write about as “Corporal” instead of correcting them with ‘I was a Lance Corporal.’ As a fellow jarhead I’d like to think I’m dead wrong to wonder about it.  Still…


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  1. You saw how fast VoteVets jumped into the fray, screaming “BULLSHIT!” I’m simply hoping and praying that all the other vets, like yourself, get as pissed off as you do and take that rage to the ballot box.

    • Today was the day management had scheduled for us all to get our air filters changed. Takes less than 30 seconds. I was in the middle of writing this when the guy knocked on my door. He’s new (the old guy died recently) one – we are back to having two guys again. Anyway I mentioned what I was doing and he was all smiles. We wound up chatting for a couple of minutes and clearly he’s been paying attention and it was enjoyable to talk politics with him. I made myself a friend (of sorts) today! As he left to move on to the next apartment he said keep up what I’m doing. I responded you too – we can’t just vote. We have to get OTHERS to vote and he smiled saying that’s exactly it. It’s about more than us.

  2. Army vet here…..rotor head Huey mechanic/crew chief ( dating myself there) .

    ……Hilbilly Hitler is the worst of the worst…..working in an air conditioned office answering phones and sleeping in air conditioned dorms while the people doing the real fighting sweltered in 100- degree heat 24/7.

    I’m with you Denis…….this MFer can kiss my little blue ass .

    • I really don’t know if I’d have gone for jets or helicopters. Both Drew and Charlie made a compelling case. Hell, I might have wound up flipping a coin in the end to decide but I have to admit enjoying flying in helicopters. I have quite the story from my time at Pendleton when Charlie arranged a late afternoon drop in on the ballfield next to and a little above my barracks for a ride. Anyway, lots of people have read the poem High Flight which I think was written by a Zoomie (Air Force pilot) and admittedly nicely written and a bit inspirational. However, back when I was trying to get into OCS and hanging out with Platoon Leaders Class dudes at my Alma Mater Major McDaniels sometimes flew the Gunny down from St. Louis and when he could he’d take those of us interested in aviation up for a ride at the Southern Illinois Airport. He never let on that he and Charlie were friends, and in fact had been squadron mates. Yep, he also flew the CH-46, our version of what I guess you knew as the CH-47. Probably prompted by Charlie he slipped me a page with a poem and I laughed my ass off. So, in honor of you and all “Rotor Heads” I give everyone this by some anonymous person:

      Oh, I’ve slipped the surly bonds of earth
      And hovered out of ground effect on semi-rigid blades;
      Earthward I’ve auto’ed and met the rising brush of non-paved terrain
      And done a thousand things you would never care to
      Skidded and dropped and flared
      Low in the heat soaked roar.
      Confined there, I’ve chased the earthbound traffic
      And lost the race to insignificant headwinds;
      Forward and up a little in ground effect
      I’ve topped the General’s hedge with drooping turns
      Where never Skyhawk or even Phantom flew.
      Shaking and pulling collective,
      I’ve lumbered The low untresspassed halls of victor airways,
      Put out my hand and touched a tree.

      • I was teaching English at Eglin AFB the day the Challenger exploded. We, my students and I,just sat there in stunned silence. I tried to find this poem but ended up teaching Yeats’ An Irish Air man Foresees His,Death,,written for Lady Gregory is son.
        My Dad got a medical.discharge from.the Marines after he broke his ankle. My husband served for 23years in the Navy and went into Iraq with Marines.

  3. Daughter of Army vet here, too. Dad has a CAB, among other medals, ribbons, etc. After serving as a machine gunner in WWII, he stayed in the active reserves, became an officer, and stayed in service until he was made to retire at 70 (as a full colonel). He wouldn’t be able to help—-he was over 90 when he passed a few years ago—-but he’d be cheering you on!

    • If memory serves the award was established in 1969. Then made retroactive for Vietnam service before those in power got their heads out of their asses and made it retroactive to 1941 and the outset of WWII. A lot of people who’s service was long behind them deserved that recognition and for those who had passed away by then it mattered to their families. My dad didn’t keep any of his decorations. Not even his Purple Heart but he served on bombers in the skies over Europe so he wouldn’t have qualified. There is a version of the award for those who serve in the air. In fact, they can under ssome circumstances qualify for the ground version. For example if shot down and they have to engage with enemy forces while escaping or during rescue. In the Marines, while even a lowly NCO like me could and did learn how to call in an airstrike (same with artillery) if your Officer or senior NCO was KIA or injured. Plenty of non-NCO grunts learned how to as well. However, when possible and it was assumed a lot of air support would be needed would (or is) assigned a “FAC” (Forward Air Controller) for a while to coordinate air cover/strikes. Whenever possible it was a Naval Aviator, a Marine who’d earned Wings. There were two Naval Aviators from my small hometown who recommended me for OCS. Drew was Navy (f-14 Tomcats) and Charlie was Marine. He started in A-4 Skyhawks but they were being phased out and he switched from jets to helicopters as he’d found them more fun to fly. Anyway if not for that dick Col. who overrode the selection board I would have gone on to become a Naval Aviator myself. I recall reading some stuff the Corps had printed up and being a FAC sometimes was noted to be part of the job. Lot’s of them never do ground missions, at least in combat but those that due imbue others with what it’s like. Anyway that particular passage ended noting the importance of Marines who were Naval Aviators serving on the ground in combat so later, when back in the air “They’d know, better than any other Aviator in the world what it means to be a grunt who could use a little air support.” Anyway, someone serving in the role who finds themselves in actual combat calling in airstrikes (I said CLOSER dammit!) and sometimes have to stop and shoot qualifies for a CAR.

      As I said, Reagan’s chickenshit move (and McCain egged him on to make the decision he did) to cut and run from Lebanon meant unless a war broke out or some major engagement meant me suddenly being deployed I’d never get a CAR. For those who do qualify I’ve got enormous respect. Evem some P.O.S. like Tom Cotton, at least for that. What pissed me off so much about Vance is he CLEARLY implied he was a “combat Marine” and he was nothing of the sort. THAT is actual Stolen Valor! I’m glad that on MSNBC at least details of when and why Walz retired are debunking Vance outrageous allegations about shirking his duty. Even so, I’m pissed at Ali Velshi who although he described in very general terms that Vance did spend six months in Iraq he didn’t go into the kind of detail my article provided. Vance was a REMF. He could have volunteered for an actual combat M.O.S. instead of one that only had the word combat in the official title. He volunteered to sit in an office and write press releases and do PR. And THAT is all he did in Iraq. If you haven’t seen a clip of his remarks please find one. And tell me he doesn’t make every effort to paint a picture of himself as a hard charging combat vet grunt! I really wish the old NYH Gazette Chicken Hawk Hall of Shame still existed. I’d have finished the lengthy process of adding Vance hours ago.


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