This is about to get good. As I wrote recently, the Trump campaign has had a Come to Jesus moment when it comes to the campaign. Simply put, they can’t let their candidates campaign. Every time Traitor Tot opens his mouth in public, he drops two points in the polls, and every time the Hillbilly Imbecile opens his mouth in public, the Harris campaign wants to pay his airfare to the next stop.

The campaign broke its vow of silence today and let their gamboling puppies off their leashes. They sent Vance in front of a tame pro Trump audience, but that doesn’t matter. We’ll have to wait for the playback to see what stupid sexist sh*t he spit out this time. And Traitor Tot had a rambling, incoherent town hall on FUX News with Spawn Hannity moderating. Again, we’ll have to wait for the playback to see what new landmine he stepped on this time.

The Trump-Beggar ticket is bleeding support in critical groups. When Biden was running, he had a six point edge over His Lowness with women voters. The last poll I saw had Harris +13. El Pendejo ex Presidente can dance on the head of the abortion pin all he wants, but every time Beggar Vance opens his mouth, Harris widens her lead with women voters.

Trump is still leading with male voters, but the edge has narrowed. Some of that is likely due to their pariah status as the Architects of forced labor. As one husband pointed out with a miscarriage nightmare at the Democratic Convention, Abortion isn’t a political issue, it’s a humanitarian healthcare issue! It turns out that fathers, lovers, and husbands really don’t want to pray for the survival of their mate while they sop up and try to stop the bleeding from an untreated miscarriage.

Especially in the all important, fastest growing 18-29 voter bloc by speaking directly to them on issues of importance to them like school shootings, gun control, the environment, and global warming.And because the Democrats were smart enough to start reaching out to them after the 2017 Parkland shooting, they pretty much own that bloc as long as they keep motivating them with issues. And never forget this. Every election cycle, something like 2.5 million voters turn 18 and are eligible to vote.

Trump desperately needs to stop the bleeding. And he has one bloc where he still rules the roost. And he wants to own it, using that mass of underharvested voters to chew into Harris’s lead with the other groups.

Which leads to the new Master Blueprint for the Trump campaign in the home stretch, which is the political equivalent of Measure once, cut twice. But His Lowness is planning to meet this bloc where they live, and grab them by the old short-and-curlies.

You may not be seeing much of Traitor Tot in public for a while, because he’s going to be busy doing a virtual tour of websites even further right than NewsMax, OAN, and The Drudge Report. In fact, it’s hard to even consider these places as actual sites. Mostly what they’re like is the idiots version of a Go Daddy site or an overblown message board, where slobby, stinky incels post ultra far right bullsh*t for other slobby, stinky incels to slobber and drool over.

But that’s where this particular lame brain possible base is, so that’s where he’s going. He’s going to do a series of interviews and town halls, even though most of these sites lack the capability for live time transmission of things like questions. Mainly, it appears that he’s going to take one question from the moderator, and then prattle and babble until the cows come home.

There’s just one small problem with that Rube Goldberg contraption. Trump already owns this emotionally dysfunctional herd of misfits, and it’s not doing him any good. because the simple fact of the matter is that They. Don’t. Vote!

The Democrats got the 18-29 vote because they met them where they were, and showed them concrete plans to improve the things that were important to them. In short, they freakin’ motivated those young voters to show up at the polls and give them a chance to make good on their promises. And as long as the Democrats at least keep fighting the good fight, they’ll keep showing up to vote.

Simple fact. Trump can’t motivate these pathetic cretins to show up at the ballot box, no matter what he says or does. Because these misfit toys are totally turned off and tuned out to politics. You know what The cheeto Prophet is to these wet noodles? Free entertainment. He’s like an unholy trifecta of a Jerry Springer show, Howard Stern boradcast, and tape of a high speed train wreck. They’ll sit there and watch his drivel with half an eye on their laptop while playing Call of Duty on their X-Box in their mothers basement.

My advice to the Trumpster Fire? Knockez Vous your socks off. Kamala Harris is knocking it out of the park, espousing concrete plans on every issue that voters actually give a sh*t about. You keep right on digitally kissing the asses of a bunch of scruffy losers you wouldn’t give a dollar to standing on a corner on 5th Avenue, and who aren’t going to put down the controller to vote for you in November anyway. Maybe by January you can join them full time on their McSites, if you can remember your password.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. I see where Kamala agreed to muted mics, whereas she wanted direct exchanges. I’m not sure it matters given the faces Trump will make when she’s rebutting his continuous stream of lies. I wonder if these moderators will actually keep asking him the question until he actually answers it. Either way, I’m sure she can handle him…if he shows.

    • Scott, I suspect Trump’s face will be getting much redder than its usual burnt orange as the debate goes on and his whiny mouth can’t be heard while Kamala’s burying him. I anticipate watching his lips flap (ie he’s lying) and his face contort, while he tries his lame best not to soil his Depens (again). Can’t wait.

    • It’s not too hard to imagine him shouting by the end of the debate-muted mics or not. I sure hope various outlets/blogs/etc. get footage of his antics especially during his muted mic portions. Ought to be comedy for the ages.

      Hey, you know she agreed to muted mics, does that preclude legal pads and markers so she can write in big letters HE’S LYING! whenever he’s spewing whatever he will be spewing? That and appropriate nods and facial expressions-rolling eyes/raised eyebrows immediately come to mind-could go far in making him look even MORE foolish.

  2. Your article title “Trump’s High Risk Gamble Is Likely To Do A Hindenburg. Crash And Burn” perhaps contains the message, best described by Jonny Cash “God’s gonna cut you down”


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