I am so loving this! Right now the GOP is in a state of disarray that you don’t normally see in an organization larger than a street corner hot dog cart. And listening to a couple of different reports today about the scope of the organizational carnage lit a couple of lamps for me. Thank God apparently Trump and the RNC didn’t pay their electric bill, because the lights apparently aren’t going on over there.

For starters Black Nazi Mark Robinson is a one man wrecking crew. And here’s the funny thing. Almost everybody with an R after their name is running from him like a burning building, but they won’t say a word against him. Granted there are local exceptions. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp pulled his endorsement of Robinson this weekend. The Republican Governor’s Association announced that their contract for advertising for Robinson expired this weekend, and they aren’t renewing it. And let’s not forget the four senior campaign aides who voted with their feet this weekend.

But as for the national GOP, it’s almost too funny for words. The only two GOP Senators I saw today that were willing to go on the Sunday morning shows and tackle the Robinson debacle Thom Tillis and Lindsey Graham, and neither one of them are up for reelection this cycle. Where’s Rick Scott, who never met a microphone he didn’t like, or Trump’s little errand boy Marco Rubio. Calgary Teddy Cruz won’t even mention his name on his POS podcast.

And those who get trapped on camera with his name are basically taking the Who? Never heard of the bum approach. Trump has dodged the issue totally. He had a rally in NC on Saturday, and Robinson was notably absent, despite appearing with Trump earlier, and Traitor Tot never mentioned his name. Tillis and Graham played a variation of the My name is Pail, and this is between y’all, by claiming this was an issue between Robinson and the NC voters. Even the Hillbilly Imbecile said that he didn’t believe Robinson, but he didn’t not believe him either, and that it was between Robinson and the voters. Everybody else is running from him like the kid with the cooties. Meanwhile, the Democrats are tying Robinson around the neck of every Republican they can find with barbed wire.

Now let’s get to the good stuff. Another report this weekend in The New York Times said that local state GOP officials were  almost panic stricken. Not only don’t they have any operating funds to deal with, but almost none of them have any kind of grassroots paid or volunteer organizations to hit the streets and Get out the Vote. Meanwhile the Democrats have more voter registration volunteers, phone bankers, and door knockers than they have phones and doors for.

OOH! OOH! Pick ME Shrek! Pick Me! I know the answer to the above, and we’ll get to that next. This whole local GOTV thing is critical, and not just for candidates at the top of the ticket like President and Governor and Senate. Those door knockers don’t just turn out the vote for the top of the ticket, they push for voters to vote GOP all the way down the ballot. And they are a lifesaver for candidates running for state House and Senate offices, and are often strapped for cash to do it themselves. And the Democrats have the manpower and enthusiasm to hit every door in every district. This simple fact could be enough in a close race to help to flip state legislatures, and turn previously red states blue. And if we ever hit the unlikely option of the US House deciding the election, each state gets one vote. and right now the Democrats are -3.

Now to our Shrek moment. The state GOP parties have no money because Traitor Tot has been nothing if not a giant lucre sponge. He has sucked up all of the donations, especially small money for two purposes. First, he has to pay off that phalanx of highly paid, pay-as-you-go lawyers.

Second, as I’ve written Traitor Tot has given up on actually winning fair and square. As a result, his tone deaf daughter-in-law has hired some 150,000 local morons nationwide as Poll watchers and poll observers. You can translate that into human monkey wrenches in the state electoral system. Problem there is basic. Precincts have a limited number of poll watchers, as well as poll observers, who have to be registered and observe strict rules. Which means that the majority of these howler monkeys will be standing around outside the polling place glaring at people waiting in line to vote, and ominously writing nursery rhymes in their notebooks as they glare.

But they’re still a potential pain in the ass because of the second expenditure the RNC has made. Apparently they have hired a rogues gallery of lawyers in every swing state, ready to file frivolous lawsuits at the drop of a hat. And these poll watchers and observers have their phone numbers. So any time they think they’ve seen something, or even imagine that they’ve seen something, they call the lawyers to add to their potential lawsuits. What a way to run a railroad.

But that’s not exactly like being On Golden Pond either. First the good news. On Inside with Jen Psaki on MSNBC, she had election law guru Marc Elias on to discuss this nonsense. Here’s his good news. In the abomination that is the new Georgia Election Board rules, both the GOP Georgia Attorney General as well as the Georgia Secretary of State have branded the changes as likely illegal. And even though the easiest solution would be for them to file a lawsuit to strike them down, if they refuse to defend the new rules in already existing court cases, they’re dead in the water. So it looks like sanity may reign once again in Georgia.

Now for the other problem in the GOP’s plan. I heard this one a couple of days ago, and it fits perfectly with our subject. It turns out that there’s a new group out there made up of constitutional lawyers. They call themselves the 65 Group, which is inspirational since it stands for the 65 frivolous lawsuits Trump filed following his loss in 2020.

They are taking out ads, or writing op-ed pieces in law journals and magazines published in the battleground states. And they’re reminding every lawyer who reads that as barred lawyers, they’re officers of the court, and as such are bound to the rules against filing frivolous or nonsensical lawsuits. They then go on to provide a complete list of all of the idiot lawyers of 2020 who have suffered state bar sanctions, or had their law licenses suspended or even revoked for their antics in 2020. A rather stern warning about resisting the temptation of sipping the MAGA Kool Aid.

This just keeps getting better and better. Call me a dreamer, but the courts held fast in 2020, and I have little doubt they’ll do the same in 2024. And the thing I’m really looking forward to finding is some polling on the state of state legislative races. The complete lack of resources for state GOP organizations isn’t just going to harm the top of the ticket, but it could be critical for the state legislative races. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. I love your writing, adore your wit and seriously admire your political analysis, Murph. And Robinson is a disgusting POS. But I’ve got to say that I do NOT love the metaphor of wrapping a black man’s neck in barbed wire, which immediately conjured up lynching imagery, especially considering he’s in the South.

    • Thank you, I appreciate your comment, and take your point…I regularly use the barbed wire idiom as a way of showing tight binding, and If I remember correctly, I don’t believe I mentioned ANYBODY’s neck, I simply stated that the Democrats were busy trying Robinson around every GOP candidate they could find with barbed wire…The intention being tightly around the body, hemming them in…But I will keep your words in mind in the future, and make sure to clarify…

  2. Dems in Texas may not take over, but bet dollars to donuts Dems will pick up seats in the state legislature . Abbott purged the moderates. I suspect some of them are still pissed off at the interference. they sit it out or vote Dem. the campaign ads in the primary were ugly. this is local.

  3. My thought-we’ll see. That “officer of the court” thing for attorneys has been there for quite a while and it did not stop the frivolity for the 2020 election. There will be lawsuits filed-the fact there are lawyers waiting in the wings for those phone calls indicates some lawyers don’t care because they sense or know the fix is in if they can get this up to the U.S. s.c. My hope is the poll watching spots are all taken by sensible folks, folks who actually care about election integrity rather than the ones who want to foul up the integrity of the 2024 election like the magat poll watchers want to do.

    This is basically coming down to one side wanting to keep our country from becoming a theocratic hellscape and the other one doing everything it can to propel the election toward the s.c. so they can turn our nation into a theocratic hellscape. We’re at that point in our history and it is a point the founding fathers NEVER wanted the nation to come to-thus the First Amendment which has turned out to be a clarion call to all RWNJ’s to tear down the country, constitution, and everything worth having any more.

  4. The esteemed Rick Wilson said it best and most succinctly: “Everything Trump touches dies.” Michael Cohen has echoed that statement every chance he has had since his appearance before the first impeachment committee. The proof of it is everywhere, from Trump’s disastrous business career to all the sycophants whose careers and lives have been ruined by association with him, by doing his illegal bidding. But all those wanabee-MAGAts believe it could never happen to them, so they sign on, in search of the rewards dangled before them,in denial of the very apparent risks. Bring them on: the more of them who get mowed down, the fewer there will be to ferret out later.


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