The battle lines are clearly drawn here and the Lincoln Project makes no bones about it. They’re out to pique Trumpty Dumpty into yet another emotional explosion. Or maybe several, possibly one a week from now until Election Day or Trump’s nervous breakdown, whichever comes first. They freely admit that baiting him is “juvenile” but “it’s fun.” #TrumpSmells, #TrumpSmellsBad and #TrumpStinks is now into Day 4. Trump hasn’t taken the bait yet and reacted to LP’s latest, “Is That You, Donald,” mini epic so they’ve decided to needle him on a different front.

And he gave them the front. Xmas Eve Trump began talking bright and early about how much he believes in Christmas and Jesus and how God is going to win the 2024 election for him. You had a chance to laugh at that here, earlier. Now, Lincoln Project is showing the world what a fool he is on that front as well. I do especially like Trump mocking communion. It shows him up for the loser that he is.

Just by the by, the poster of this above picture and commentary is a MAGA who was chastising the Lincoln Project fans for having Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I’m so sick and tired of the MAGA clowns minimizing and twisting everything and I’m sure I wasted my breath on this one. But occasionally you have to vent and hope that maybe it will do some good.

Those two tweeters chimed in at the same time I did. This is the cultural divide, friends. The conned love the con artist because they can’t see that they’ve been conned. 73 million people voted for this colossal umber tinged POS that smells like the sewer creature he is in 2020.

The Xmas miracle that I want to pray for is that these people wake TF up before it’s too late and they take down themselves and the rest of us with them. Let us hope we can save democracy and live to see a day where Trump is laughed out of politics.

2024 may indeed be a great year as Trump wished for us today. Especially when the convictions start happening.



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  1. Here on Christmas eve blasphemy thrives in America. We know for a fact each one of us is facing a death sentence. Every day brings us closer to the unknown mystery. For believers,(the early moniker for followers of the Way), we don’t believe death is the end of this journey of consciousness, a state of being science has failed to explain. Christianity wouldn’t mean anything, as Paul, formerly a Pharasee, who was a zealot, hunting believers and having them killed, if Jesus hadn’t risen. It’s impossible. Yet, to date, no one can explain how disciples, rightly afraid of crucifixion themselves, and hiding from the Roman cruelty, suddenly did an about face and openly sacrificed themselves in brutal ways. I’ve worked with a vast array of people over 45 years, and people do not willingly commit themselves to die horribly for a lie. The answer through the ages is he still lives. Having gone through a near death experience, I know there are entities that exist in darkness we should respect and live to avoid in life and death. People who claim to follow but are lying are blinded by arrogance. Many who make no such claim but have love in their heart are following the greatest commandments. You cannot worship two masters. The path of hate and lies or the path of love and respect for truth wherever you can find it. This life is a mystery as all holy traditions teach. The evangelicals would be wise to avoid blasphemy & the idolatry of worshiping their love of power and money. Hypocrisy is a cancer that has infected our culture from the beginning. I’m afraid our time is up continuing on this path. The scientists agree we are living on borrowed time even if no despot decides to start a nuclear war. I pray we act in time to stop this evil and give future generations a more humane world to live in.

  2. With all the discussion of TFG’s weird mental tics, what doesn’t get talked about is his Inferiority Complex: all the loyalty demands, non-disclosure agreements associates have had to sign, his cozying up to dictators, etc.



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