The Lincoln Project really has Donald Trump between a rock and a hard place now. He’s either already seen this mini epic that pokes at his ego where it is the most vulnerable, namely his vanity and he’s controlling himself so as not to give his enemies what they want, which is for him to explode; or, he hasn’t seen it yet. Now if he hasn’t seen it, then there should be an extinction level event amongst the Mar-a-Lago ketchup bottles when he does (and we’re told the coffee pots and television sets are trembling as well.)

So here’s the rock and the hard place: Trump’s aides can only keep him in the dark so long. That’s a verity. So when he sees it, he can do nothing and just suck up the insult, or he can go batshit banana bonkers. He’s already having a video meltdown on Truth Social the past 18 hours or so, doubling down on how cognitively fit he is and tripling down on how screwed Jack Smith is. Nobody is listening to Trump’s greatest hits, we’ve all heard them before, but a lot of people are watching this and grinning.

Here’s what Rick Wilson had to say about this:

When Donald Trump starts reacting badly to a story — as he did after Adam Kinzinger noted that the former President has a pungent body odor — you should never hesitate to poke his delicate ego. Others who’ve known him or worked around him followed with their own stories of his…whiff.

So when the #TrumpSmells hashtag started flying, I checked in with a few sources who confirmed the Umber One is very angry about it.

Our crack editing team ripped this one out in a trice, targeting as always, Donald Trump’s delicate ego…then we sent them home for Christmas.

Juvenile? Of course. Fun? Very. Likely to add to the ketchup-throwing frenzy at Mar-a-Lago this weekend?


So the question becomes, can Trump control himself and not give Lincoln Project the payoff that they — and the rest of us — are waiting for, namely to throw one of his grand mal temper tantrums? We’re going to find out.

It’s Christmas Eve Eve and the sun has just set in the western United States. Trumpty’s last post on Truth Social was four hours ago when he reposted this clip. Or somebody did. Trump really really wants you to know that he doesn’t confuse Obama with Biden. He’s totally playing with a full deck.

Again, I say: future generations are going to watch these clips and wonder, “My God, what the hell happened to American culture that an idiot like this got elected?” Or, if they’re not, then it’s because this is the new normal and Idiocracy was a prophetic documentary.

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  1. While Hitler was mass murdering millions pretending to be a superman, he was a medical mess, being a drug addict. His hands shook, which he hid. These nazis haven’t changed one bit. Hypocrisy, lies, projection, murder, stealing the nation blind, and using the pretense of law to cover their crimes. That is who resided in the white house. That is who resides in congress. We, as a nation, should hang our heads in shame.
    ‘there is time to change the road you’re on’…Stairway to Heaven

  2. Ha ha, priceless lampooning. Just maybe the LP coves can fashion come ‘scratch and smell’ swatches and hand them out to those that can come up with the best lampoon that takes the shite out of the malodorous mango. Worth a thought, for sure.

  3. He’s had continence issues since the 1990s according to Noel Casler, who worked on The Apprentice. According to Casler,

    “The diapers is not a joke. He would often soil himself on The Apprentice set. He’s incontinent from all the speed, all the Adderall he does, all the cocaine that he’s done for decades … His [bowels] are uncontrollable.”

    “We’d have to stop the show and change him and that was Keith Schiller’s job. He would take him off set, he would wipe him down. Our nickname for Keith was ‘Wet Wipes.’ It’s not a joke. It’s happened several times.”

    So, calling him a POS isn’t entirely metaphorical.

    More here …

  4. What a proud moment for our country when the leading candidate feels the need to defend his brain, his genitalia, and in the near future, his body odor.


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