A bad man pretending to be a good one is one of life’s unfortunate spectacles. And it happens too often. It’s particularly ironic that this particular bad man, with his divorces, his rape adjudication, his public love affairs splattered on the pages of the tabloids, is the darling of so many so-called Christians. And if Donald Trump’s transgressions stopped at sexual picadillo, perhaps you could find some reason to excuse him.

But that’s the least of it. He’s defrauded laborers of their wages, which is “a sin crying to heaven for vengeance” and you can find that in the Bible. Trump stiffs workers with the regularity that other people change their socks. He lies to everybody, banks, the IRS, and most of all his MAGA minions, who see one of their own, a stone cold loser, up there at the podium and that’s why they love him. Even Ronna McDaniel said that a few years ago, that Trump “brought people into the tent that we didn’t think we could before.” The stupid and the gullible are now being courted as a voting bloc. Such hath Trump wrought. Here is a portion of his Sunday sermon and if you want a longer version you can view it on Truth Social.

Once again, Irony is dead and it’s a good thing. There’s no way she could explain how Joe Biden, who has been a lifelong Catholic, is considered the Devil by the Evangelical wingnuts, but Trump, who has set foot in one or two churches in his life for photo ops, is considered a Man of God. One thought is that the prosperity consciousness Evangelicals, which are the hard core nuts, don’t like the Catholics. Why, I don’t know, I only know from an Evangelical of my acquaintance that the Catholics and the Jews were both looked down on and forget about any exotic religion like the Muslims or the Hindus.

The Evangelicals were led to Trump by David Barton, the faux historian in Texas. Barton saw the handwriting on the wall, that Ted Cruz wasn’t going to get the nomination, and so he got on the phone with James Dobson and asked for help. Dobson was one of Mike Pence’s heroes. He said being on Dobson’s radio show was “one of the greatest honors of my life.” Dobson cobbled together the fable that Trump was a Born Again Christian. That was June of 2016. The Evangelicals love nothing more than a Born Again Christian. That is the essence of the cult, that you must have a Come To Jesus moment and see the light and join the cult. They were thrilled that Trump had. He was one of them, now.

Then it goes without saying that the prosperity consciousness clowns, the Kenneth Copelands and Joel Osteens of the world, saw that they could grift off of Trump even as he was grifting off the Evangelicals. So they were milking the cow 24/7. Everybody was happy. Paula White was ecstatic. She used her White House photo ops to do fundraising ads on the Xian TV platforms.

Trump would give lip service to whatever they wanted and of course he went anti-abortion, which they definitely wanted. And that is the essence of Donald Trump’s relationship with God. Here’s the real lay of the land.

That’s how I see it. Come, let us pray.


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  1. “And if Donald Trump’s transgressions stopped at sexual picadillo . . . .”

    Just a nitpick, but that last word is “peccadillo” and, Donald’s sexual transgressions aren’t mere peccadilloes. Adultery, after all, is one of the Big Ten sins (and that alleged leader of Christians reaffirmed that adultery is a sin–and it includes such matters as “looking at a woman with lust in one’s heart”–and a “peccadillo” is a minor sin while adultery is considered a “mortal sin.”

  2. He is more than bad, he is evil. There is nothing about him that is real, except the evil. Everything else is play-acting and pretense.

  3. I’m agnostic. However if I’m wrong and there is a God out there looking at us then in a perverse way Trump could be right. I learned growing up as a person of faith that we were given free will. I also learned from the Old Testament that God seemed to want to test us sometimes. Maybe Trump in 2016 was a test. And even though Biden kicked Trump’s ass in 2020 God looked and saw over ten million more voted for Trump AGAIN despite what he’d done as President. It’s easy to see how taking that into account God might have said “f*ckit. I’m done with these people.” In that scenario yes, Trump could wind up back in the WH and to Satan’s great delight not just our country would go to hell in a hurry. While God started over on some other planet in our vast universe.

    Think about it folks, at least those of you who are people of faith.

    I can see the first new commandment already:

    “I am Trump thy God. You will have NO other gods before me. Especially not some god who sent his only son to get crucified. I like saviors that didn’t get themselves executed. But take it as a lesson to what will happen to YOU if you don’t bow down and worship ME!”

  4. John 8:42-47…where Jesus reportedly called the hypocritical religious LEADERS children of the Devil, whom he described as a murderer and a LIAR from the beginning. Hey maybe you so called evangelicals should actually READ the text and ask yourself if this murderous serial rapist and LIAR is someone YOU should be following. Remember YOUR ass won’t be here but a limited amount of time. Aren’t YOU the ones always shooting off your mouth about a LAST JUDGEMENT???

    • Fireside theater! Hey let me in…it’s Dave…I got the stuff!
      It’s me Dave…let me in I got the stuff!
      Yeah man, let me in…I got the stuff!
      Yeah man.
      Dave’s not here!
      It’s really fun after smoking some stuff!!!


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