Drumpf legal advisor Jenna Ellis, best known for filing spectacularly failed fraudulent complaints about the 2020 election as a member of the Orangeutan’s “elite strike force team”, who never met a suit they couldn’t lose, and enduring blistering gas attacks by Rudy G. (see above) has been talking a lot of smack on Twitter lately, cementing her reputation of being the loserest or losers by first erroneously noting that “the left” (by which I guess she means us, folks) has no “hot” female icons such as herself, specifically bringing up Rachel Maddow, who is not only better looking than her, but also smart enough not to hitch her wagon to the drumpf loser caravan, is now mouthing off about Rep. Liz Cheney and absolutely getting owned by a internet hoodlum.


Once the swashbuckling hoodlum leaped over her virtual gunwales, sword in hand, torch blazing, a ravening host of bloodthirsty internet privateers couldn’t wait to swarm her burning ship:

Big time.

Derivative but the “prison laundry room” is a nice addition.

At least she’ll be isolated from Rudy, which is a +++



Liz would have slapped him the fuck out…

I admit I missed this:

As is appropriate…


Can’t farking wait.

Didn’t work for Rudy, so…

I concur, seeing idiots get owned on Twitter is one of life’s low key treasures.

Say goodnight and get your ass to Georgia, Jenna, Rudy… ahem… left the seat warm for ya…

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  1. Like Cohen, Trump’s former fixer, she’ll soon be singing another tune once hung out to dry for all the stuff she did do and anything else the Donald can shove her way while distracting the legal hunters as long as he can. Her testimony should be fallowed by 3 committees and a couple of fact finding commissions that should eat up 8 to 10 months while everybody is held at bay by some unjustifiable glitch that keeps the Trumpster free while his minions languish???


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