I don’t know where all the crazies came from. But clearly, they were there, in droves. All it took was a match, called Donald Trump, and the fuse was lit. The crazies found their man. Trump is the id of the Republican party and of immature people everywhere. He is the standard bearer. If you don’t like a result? No problem, just claim it didn’t happen.

Tonight Tina Peters followed the way of her idol, Trump. She lost her primary and she’s behaving like he did — although, to her credit, nobody has seen her throw her lunch plates at the wall. Yet.

Here’s what transpired, according to a Denver Post reporter.

I guess it never crosses these peoples’ minds the terrible example that they are setting for young people and children and how they’re undermining democracy. Either that, or they’re so selfish they don’t care. I know Trump is that way, apparently Peters is as well.

So, here we go again. No concession speech and who knows how crazy it will be from here on out?

I’m gratified Peters went down in flames. I’m very very dismayed that Lauren Boebert did not. But hey, we get what we get. Maybe Boebert can go down pyrotechnically in flames in November. Maybe the best is yet to come, as Kimberly would say.

Sometimes it’s best when these people hang on a little bit longer. It gives them extra rope with which to hang themselves.

Or, maybe Peters actually believes this drivel. Maybe she really is the female Mike Lindell and she believes this insanity. Because Lindell does. That has been known about him for some time. His delusion is real. He thinks he’s right and all the people who tell him he’s wrong are merely evil or at best, lost souls. Maybe Peters is that nuts.

These are sad times for America with deluded children seeking office. I think we’ve all seen childish people out in the work place, God knows I have, but this mass insanity in America that election denial represents is something else altogether. It’s a cancerous tumor on the body politic.

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  1. She will get a big ‘ol dose of reality when that iron door slams shut behind her when she starts serving her time for her upcoming 10 felonious conspiracy convictions.

    So let her dance the dance of the oblivious………the time to pay the band is nigh.

  2. Are these people the ones who all got “participation trophies” when they competed in anything? Even ol’ diapers acts like he received one regardless of how sh*tty he or his team did in an event. I’d have thought these people too old for such nonsense but perhaps in certain circles they did such thing.

    If your kids participate in these kinds of events where EVERY KID gets a trophy, be aware this this what they can become.


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