You know, sometimes I’d like a chance to sit down at my laptop, a smile on my face, and bang out a nice inspirational article that warms my heart and makes my day. But when you’re covering human Toxic Avengers like Traitor tot, Beggar Vance and MAGA Mike McCarthy, who only inspire loathing and disgust, you go with what’s there. Hell, ya gotta make a living.

But this one is actually kind of inspirational, since it shows the kind of spirit that doesn’t have to get in the mud just because the other guy is, and how it can drive the wallow boar nuts.

A common rule in politics, as in so many things is that you don’t punch down. And as a result, presidential candidates seldom go after the opposing Vice Presidential candidate, that’s his VP’s job. And so, while Traitor Tot has been known to punch down at cripples on street corners, he’s left Tim Walz alone for his Hillbilly Imbecile to take care of.

Which is actually pretty smart of His Lowness, since he can’t even seem to find a handle to attack Harris on. Which is the one thing that Trump and Vance share besides dirt stupidity, cuz Vance can’t find a line of attack to use against Walz. But the difference is that Vance leads with his chin.

And the funny thing is that once again these are self inflicted gunshot wounds. Because since his rollout speech when he was named by Kamala Harris to join the ticket, other than a few jabs at Trump’s criminality, he’s more or less ignored, preferring to make contrasts between the Trump-Vance programs as opposed to the Harris-Walz visions for America.

But the stupid sh*t just can’t seem to let sleeping dogs lie. In the month or so since Walz joined the ticket, let’s just recap;

  • First Vance, a former Marine took a cheap shot at Walz’s military career, which is absurd on the face of it, since Walz spent 6X longer in uniform than Vance did. Having two things Vance doesn’t, class and dignity, Walz merely replied by saying And so, for anybody who has put on the uniform, my opponent included, I just have a few words for you, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice.” instantly exposing Vance for the toilet bug he is
  • Next he went after the Walz’s for their use of infertility treatments to help them start a family. Tim Walz’s emotional speech at the convention about the horrors of infertility turned what Vance thought of a primo attack into a surge of acceptance and compassion for the Walz’s, along with putting IVF front and center in the campaign
  • Always one willing to step on a rake the second time, next Beggar slammed the Walz’s for their choice in IVF methods to start their family. Gwen Walz didn’t even bother with this one, she swatted Vance herself. Speaking at a rally, she described Vance’s churlish insult, and when the crowd booed, she raised a finger and said. Just a moment while I put my teachers glasses on. You can’t give the teacher look without your teachers glasses on. She perched them at the end of her nose, tilted her head back, looked down her nose and said in a perfect teacher voice, Mister Vance, I suggest you mind your own damn business! Down came the walls, right on Vance’s pointy head
  • Next Vance just couldn’t resist on snickeringly sounding off with the far right *ssholes who mocked Tim’s son Gus, who has a developmental disability for his heartwarming display of love and pride for his father at the convention. This turned out to be a bridge too far even for MAGAt’s, several of whom told the whole damn bunch to STFU, there was nothing more family values than an open display of family love
  • And now the latest thesis from a man with a PhD in Dunce. And for those who haven’t heard it yet, Walz made a classic applause line of it at his WI rally today, I wish these people would make up their minds. First they come out with an attack saying that based on my FRC financial filings, I’m the poorest man ever to run for Vice President. *shrugs* Then they say that I’m actually much richer than I look because on my forms I didn’t list my “index linked pension plan” from teaching. My friends, I want every American worker to have an index linked pension plan when they retire! I swear, you can’t make this sh*t up

This just keeps getting better. Walz took Saturday off to go home and attend the Minnesota state fair. The Secret Service almost had to set up a cordon to give him room to breathe, he was a rock star. I keep waiting for the Vance team to show he’s a regular guy by filming him walking into a McDonald’s to order a burger, which I imagine would go something like;

Hi, how are you doing? How long have you worked here? Umm. Three years. Uh-huh, good, good. What’s the Chef’s special today? Umm. We don’t have a chef, the menu is the same every day. Uh-huh, food, good, uh-huh. Can I have a quarter pounder with cheese, Swiss instead of American, and an order of onion rings? *sigh* Sir, we only have American cheese, and no rings, only fries. Uh-huh, uh-huh, good, good, uh-huh. Look, are you busy on Saturday night?

Look, Harris had an embarrassment of riches to choose from for her pick for running mate. But as experienced as Harris is, as well as those surrounding her, she wanted somebody with authenticity, somebody that people actually want to like. And she has that in Walz. She can send him anywhere, and he’ll blend in like butter on warm toast. Vance can only blend in as a mannequin at a preppy fashion shop.

That’s why I can’t wait for the debate. Like Harris, Walz has the confidence and composure to just shrug off any cheap insults, but when he deigns to retort, Vance is a California Roll, no wasabi. This should be fun.

And here’s why it could be important. Normally, Walz running rings around Vance wouldn’t matter, you vote the top of the ticket. But starting after the debate, look for Democratic Super PAC’s to start showing JD Vance’s Greatest sh*ts, followed by a solemn voice intoning, Donald Trump is 78 years old. Is this the man you literally want “one heartbeat away from the presidency? How can it lose?

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. Has there ever been a poorer pair of candidates on the ticket for President than Trump-Vance?

    The only thing they’re best at is being worst.

    • It’s somehow appropriate that the lowest rated of all our presidents would be the worst of our candidates.

  2. Of course these clueless idiots can’t find anything to attack them on that works. Harris Walz are the REAL DEAL. There is nothing phony or made up about them, contrasting with their opponents.

    • Trump and Vance can only attack Harris and Walz on very dangerous grounds: Harris for being black, Walz for being happy not being a billionaire. I fully expect Trump’s foul racism to grow more overt as the election nears, but what’s Vance got?

  3. I go down rabbit holes all the time and the poor performance of Biden at that debate started me thinking. Biden seemed to get worse as it went along, and made me wonder about possible poisoning. I would suggest Harris coats her hands before she shakes any rethugs hands, who knows what Russian assets will try


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