You know, it was the pathetic macho display from former Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro after he finally got the shackles and steel bracelets off, and appeared in front of the media to lick his nuts and soothe his ravaged ego. This is going to come out alright!

It all comes down to arrogance. And the coterie around Trump came by it the old fashioned way, exposure to Trump. And Trump came across his arrogance in the time honored tradition. He was born on third base, but grew up thinking he had hit a triple. Where it went wrong for Trump was when he went into business. The simple fact is that Trump has never been anything but a third rate grifter and con man, but he was too puny spuds for law enforcement to bother with. Which his ego told him made him untouchable.

And as a result, anybody who worked closely with Trump in a high level position became infected with the same arrogance. Since Traitor Tot could get away with anything, then so could they. And even if they got caught, no worries. The Godfather was sitting in the Oval Office, with his pardon Sharpie ready to go for the faithful. The problem today is that the Trumpster Fire isn’t in the Oval Office anymore, but loyalty is paramount.

Let’s start with that atrocious slob, Steve Two Shirts Bannon. Bannon is the ultimate example of what in a past era would have been a Bolshevik bomb thrower. Fuck Trump, his only goal is the complete destruction of the United States government, and he is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to make that goal come true. Problem is the goal isn’t going to come true.

But Bannon is going to sacrifice, that’s for sure. Bannon made a Roman circus out of his case, and made it perfectly clear that he will gladly sacrifice a year of what’s left of his life for the cause. What the hell, he’ll just write a book on the inside to fob off on the sheeple. Where’s the loss?

Here’s the loss. Bannon is a counter culture wanna be savior, whose only reliable form of sustenance is his sleazy podcast. Bannon is going down, even Bannon doesn’t doubt that, hell, he’ll wear it as a badge of honor for the cause. But there’s a glitch.

If Bannon is in federal prison for a year, then he can’t podcast his message to the faithful. And just how faithful are they? Bannon draws his listeners from the fetid Q-Anon swamp. And God knows there are plenty of new Messiahs waiting to suck up Bannon’s listeners. If Bannon is radio silent for a year, how much of his base is left when he gets out? And how many will still buy his book?

Trumptard Roger Stone is by no means out of the woods yet either. We already know that the J6 committee is actively investigating his connections to the Loud Toys and the Oath Creepers. And I would be amazed if the DOJ wasn’t doing the same thing. Remember, Stone had an Oath Kreepers escort to the Capitol on January 6th. And Stone is incapable of minimizing his importance in any event, if he ferreted information to the Oval Office from the Oath Kreepers, he won’t be able to resist bragging about it.

Peter Navarro is toast. For the same damn reason as the rest of these shitheels, narcissistic arrogance. He has already written a book and appeared on multiple cable news channels, claiming to be the genius architect of the seditious Green Bay Sweep. And at least to this point, he has refused to hire qualified counsel to help him in his defense. He seems more than ready to crash and burn at the altar of Trump and The Big Lie.

And now we come to Mark Meadows, Trump’s former Chief of Staff. Meadows started out by playing pea-in-the-shells games with the J6 committee. He provided text and documents, and apparently negotiated terms for an appearance in front of the committee. And then he said screw it. The committee recommended a charge of contempt of congress against Meadows.

And that’s the last we’ve heard from or about Mark Meadows. The J6 committee has quietly requested an update from the DOJ as to the status of Meadows complaint, but haven’t gotten an answer. I can only think of two possible reasons. The first is that, while stonewalling the House, Meadows is secretly cooperating with the DOJ in their own criminal investigation, which would likely include a trip to the federal grand jury empaneled by the DOJ. The second is that the DOJ has bigger fish to fry with Meadows, that he’s a target of their investigation, and they don’t want to rabbit him with a chump change charge. Nothing else makes any kind of legal or common sense.

The reason I say that this will turn out alright is this. When you look at that middle to inner circle of Trump acolytes, from the moment they’re contacted, their defense is exactly the same. A claim of Trump’s Executive Privilege as protecting them from having to cooperate or testify. Just two wee problems with that. First, the privilege is not theirs to claim, Trump has to claim it. And more importantly, Trump’s own front loaded SCOTUS has already ruled that his Executive Privilege doesn’t exist. They’re dead in the water.

Just a word to the wise. Watch the J6 committee hearings. They have already interviewed more than 1000 witnesses, and have enough documents to choke Moby Dick. And who knows just how far reaching the DOJ investigation is, and what they’re uncovering. I don’t think we’re through seeing the federal indictments for higher crimes than breaching the Capitol yet. Watch This Space.


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  1. The NY Times came out with a story on Meadows tonight. He won’t be prosecuted for contempt. The DOJ sent a letter to the J6 committee letting them know a few days ago.

    • In other words, he was either smart enough to cooperate or they don’t think he’s worth bothering with right now. If the latter, it may be just because they want him to do something stupid enough to make a case of theirs airtight.

  2. The first one of this gang of thieves to answer for their crimes will get the most severe slap on the wrist, a year won’t do it. And in Stevie’s case justice would not be nearly served? Five years would be more apropos for this bunch and still not near punishment enough but I would settle for two years but I doubt I’ll see that?

  3. PERFECT MURPH .. but at some point do remind your readers about this OLDE (2019) series in 4 parts about #BlackmailingOur(and other) Governments with #kompromat .. START HERE AND GET AND READ ALL 4 parts of the #BlackmailTheGovernment parade of #kompromat sleaze from Prohibition to Trump to Israel … start w #Epstein here in Part II
    posted July 25, 2019 the day before Epstein found dead (he had been arrested July 6)

    • PS Please share with all honest lawyers you know. Hopefully some of them work @FBI
      AND YOU KNIW #Mueller knows every single bit of all these 4 parts .. he was agent who processed #Gambino #Castellano case .
      PSS WHERE IS THE f** Mueller Report .. yes these pieces state exactly when and where both Epstein and Bill Barr we hired to be mobsters.
      So now Merrick Garland is covering up all this slime too.


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