This can’t end well for the GOP, nor for Traitor Tot. In the last month the world has shifted. A month ago, Traitor Tot led comfortably in every battlefield state poll, and had clobbered President Biden in their first debate. trump was so sure that he had the election in the bag he nominated a shallow, supercilious, pompous Hillbilly Imbecile as his running mate. Why not? It didn’t matter.
But now, a month later, the sand castle has come crashing down in the high tide. Biden, Trump’s meal ticket to the White House, resigned and his Vice President Kamala Harris took over the top of the ticket. And now, in less than 30 days, Harris and the campaign have overtaken the Trump campaign with cash-on-hand, and Harris has erased not only Trump’s national polling lead, but erased his lead in every battleground state, as well as putting previously unobtainable Georgia and North Carolina on the table.
Right now the GOP is desperately flashing their bat spotlight all over the night sky. If they need anything, they need their Dark Knight to roar out of his Bat Cave and start kicking some serious criminal Democratic ass all over Gotham City.
But Fatman can’t see the signal because he’s hiding under the bed. And even if he did, there’s nothing he could do, since his costume is at the tailors being let out another two inches. And he has to get permission from his parole officer to travel.
Well, that was fun! But it was also deadly serious. I’ve spent nine years covering His Lowness, and paddling around in his sick, twisted psyche so that you don’t have to. And I am here to tell you that the Trump of 2024 is not the Trump of 2016, or even 2020. The Trump of 2024 is nothing more than a vague, ephemeral phantom of the Trump of 2016.
Let me make this clear. The Trump of 2016 was cheerfully capable of hopping onto Trump Force 1 and hitting three battleground states with fly-in rallies before jetting back to Mar-A-Slobo to lay his head on his Trump branded pillow for the night. In fact, he had to cut his last night PA rally short at 11:59 PM in order to avoid violating FEC election day politicking laws.
And in 2020, while the Covid-19 Angel of Death was busy ignoring the crisis, while advising everybody to inject Clorox into their veins to kill the virus, he still had the time and energy to jet far and wide to Super Spreader rally events that killed his former competitor Herman Cain. And even when he almost died from Covid, he still had the energy to infect his Secret Service team by vacating Walker Reed in his armored Suburban to wave at his supporters.
Those days are long gone. The 2024 Trump is a tired, addled old man. And since he got winged at that rally, his paranoia has him not even wanting to leave the house. But it’s even worse for the GOP, because even if it’s only in his own mind, Trump knows he’s lost it. After nine long years, his schtick is old and tattered. It just isn’t entertaining anymore.
Trump didn’t need side by side photographs to know that Harris kicked his fat, pasty ass at that Philly rally. All he had to do was to look out over all of those empty seats. That never used to happen. And the Trump of 2016 could have held that convention audience in the palm of his hand, like a baby bird for the 93 minutes of his acceptance speech. The Trump of 2024 had the audience rolling their eyes and checking their watches after a lousy 30 minutes.
Trump’s 2024 campaign strategy was simple and elegant, especially after Biden’s disastrous debate. Keep Trump out of public sight as much as possible, and hammer endlessly about Sleepy, Senile Joe. And it was working like a charm, Melania was measuring the drapes for the Oval Office. In schlock gold of course.
But then it all went to hell in a handbasket, and now the GOP desperately needs Trump on the campaign trail! And they mean the 2016 Trump and not the 2024 Trump. And Trump just doesn’t have the juice for the travel and the strain anymore. At 78 years of age, all Il Douche wants to do is to spend his days on the links, cheating at golf.
And let’s not ignore Trump’s mental state. When everybody is busy ranting about the lightness of Trump’s campaign travel schedule, I think they’re missing one thing. Trump is a convicted felon in New York state. And as such, he needs the permission of either Judge Merchan or his parole officer for permission to travel. Something that is abhorrent to him.
Trump is facing a September 18th sentencing date in Manhattan court, and a December oral argument on his New York state fraud conviction for $454 million. His J6 federal case is now back before Judge Chutkan, who has set an August 16th date for a hearing on the steps to take to move the case forward. And his stolen documents case is now before the 11th Circuit Appellate Court, which could lead to his lap poodle judge being replaced going forward.
I don’t mind, I’ll say it. Politically, Donald Trump is dead. Rock bands don’t go out on tour without releasing a new album to promote. M*A*S*H lasted 20 years by constantly upgrading and changing their plot lines to keep things new and interesting. But Trump has been flogging the same dead horse for the last nine years. To quote drummer Willie “too good” Jake in the Blues Brothers, after Jake Blues mocked their candy ass monkey suits, Hall replied, Sh*t.
At least we got a change of clothes, sucker. You’re still wearing the same sh*t you had on three years ago!
Trump has spent three years ridiculing President Biden for being old, feeble, and incapable of serving. But Joe Biden still rides a mountain bike every weekend, while Trump can’t walk from the 2nd to the 3rd tee without oxygen. Biden easily puts coherent sentences together, while Traitot Tot struggles with his own name. And with Biden’s selfless withdrawal from the race, he has put all the attention on Trump with the age issue. And Trump is failing miserably.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
Yup! “… Trump knows he’s lost it…” as you say above. He’s slyly left it to his hillbilly to shadowbox with an experienced hunter, who’ll shortly give the hillbilly a lesson or two. This ain’t gonna end well for the cowardly fat one, is it. That’s a most welcomed progressive reality.
Trump is setting Vance up to be the fall guy when he loses the election. “Vance did it! I could have easily won in a landslide if it hadn’t been for Vance! RIGGED! COLLUSION!” (Said in the voice of Seth Meyers imitating DonOld Trump.)
Don’t forget that in the weeks prior to the debate and afterwards in addition to hosting the NATO summit and leaving journalists eager for their very own “gotcha moment” live on national TV frustrated in that press conference Biden was hammering out the details of that incredibly complicated prisoner swap. Old man my ass!
Look, I’m thrilled to see the energy that’s taking place and while history seldom repeats itself it sometimes rhymes more often that we notice. I don’t know about you but I’m getting 2008 vibes. Of course, Obama didn’t have to face the well organized cheating that Trump has set up for this election but if we can do something along the lines of what we did in 2008 we might be able to overwhelm it. Which will make the GOP even worse off that simply a significant loss. I’m pretty sure that with a substantially rebuilt DOJ (about the only thing I will give Merrick Garland props for) President Harris will appoint an AG who will be given full authority to investigate any and all crimes and if necessary beef up the ability to address violations of voting rights and election law. Politics and GOP outrage be damned. Hell, it’s waht they intend to do to us and we won’t even be cheating and committing actual crimes!
You’re right about Trump seeming like he’s scared of his own shadow these days. At best it was clear before the primaries were over he’d have trouble doing even only a couple of his old time Trump/MAGA religion a month. It’s pretty clear he can’t even manage THAT. His MAGAs need their hate mainlined as in directly from Trump doing his rallies. They are suffering like people addicted to Oxy who suddenly find themselves trying to make do by stealing Tylenol with Codeine from people leaving Dentist offices!
Even a couple million of them saying screw it and not bothering to vote will be crippling for Trump. Worse, they won’t want to be out there threatening people with their GUNS to suppress voting, or pressuring county officials to refuse to certify votes either. If we aren’t organizing demonstrations outside county offices starting on election night to demand counting and certification of the vote we damn well should be. And without Trump having amped them up to foaming at the mouth rage OUR people will outnumber MAGAs “bigly.” I don’t know about anyone else but that will make those county officials, all of who’s names are a matter of public record damned nervous. They will have to think about their jobs that actually pay their bills. How will obeying Trump affect that? Or their spouses? What about any kids and their relatives?
If Trump were his 2016 version they’d go into election night and afterwards cocky. If we keep getting protests going starting even BEFORE election day I’m not so sure the plan in place to steal the election via refusal to certify results will work.
tRump isn’t worried about losing cuz he has several plans in place to cheat. Maybe they won’t work if we win by large enough numbers. but I think we have to be prepared for all his slimy shenanigans.
A lot of their cheating help, the certification-refusers, have been outed, thanks to the Rolling Stone article. They’re not unknown unknowns like they wish they were, they’re KNOWN.
When the first one of them dies in their driveway, the rest will reconsider the importance of their loyalty to Trump versus their loyalty to their family.
I’m getting a feeling that Trump knows he’s losing but he won’t admit it.
Hence, the choice of Vance – that way he can blame him for ‘losing’ the election.
After all Don the Con never loses – it’s always someone else’s fault
A couple of minor nitpicks, Murf:
First, President Biden did NOT “resign.” He WITHDREW from his reelection bid. He’s still the President and will be until 11:59 am on January 20, 2025. (Barring, of course, he decides to use his newfound SCOTUS-granted “limited immunity” and ignore the Jan 6 election certification–as we ALL know Trump would do.)
Second, it only seemed like MASH was on for 20 years. In fact, it was only for 10 1/2 years. It started airing in Sep of 1972 and the classic final episode aired in Feb of 1983. (Just for context, America was first introduced to the Simpson family of Springfield a mere FOUR years later on “The Tracey Ullman Show” and the first actual “Simpsons” series episode would premiere in Dec of 1989.)