“Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep. It starts when you’re always afraid. Step out of line, the men come and take you away.” — Buffalo Springfield

Tina Peters was persona obscura before she ran into Mike Lindell and the crazy floodlight of the Big Lie fell upon her. Since then she’s grown in stature and so have her paranoid delusions. Lindell hid her out for a while, from whom or what, it’s not clear, and now Peters is talking very ominously of how she just might disappear and psssst…it won’t be an accident.

I think this is a massively stupid move on her part to make.

The reason I think this is stupid, is because it’s basically issuing an invitation to Wingnuttia to off her. That way it’s a talking point. She’ll be the next Ashlii Babbitt, “and Talking Tina KNEW she wasn’t long for this world. She KNEW the Illuminati, Soros Aamurai, Clinton Cops, gazpacho or otherwise, were coming for her.” She’s not reading the room right if she thinks this is going to get her sympathy. This is what’s going to get her killed.

And the guy she’s talking to is also a real piece of work. Joe Oltmann has called for the public execution of Colorado governor Jared Polis.

This is the party of law and order talking, bear that in mind.

Peters is a strange one. I think the big talk is aimed at securing a job on right-wing TV when all this is over, since she likely won’t be very employable in the rest of the normal job market.


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  1. The mass of stupidity, boiling up in stars of horror, Lindell, Oltmann, now this last moan and groan from Peters, makes our days complete, never a moment of clarity and truth from the GOP … Republicans self-destructing on any horizon and nearly every neighborhood, small or large …

    Who let the dogs out?

    Only the two Republican seats on the Jan-06 Committee, are even level headed enough to speak in real terms of who is guilty of what … the massive screwed up GOP in general has no common sense or real earned credibility left … Good luck to anyone that thinks Yertle is going to solve their descending intelligence … Trump has bacterized the GOP beyond repair, and McConnell has had enough … The sparks are starting to fly in Congress, it will be great fun to see some of the most irritating ones go, like all the named ones already given their red slips to visit the Committee, with no actions made to attend YET …

  2. Why would someone in DC want her dead? She’s only important in one county in Colorado, and couldn’t do the job she was elected to do. She chose to crime, instead, and has been arrested because of that criming.

  3. I saw a headline, that said repubs have ripped a gaping hole in reality. I think that idea is pretty accurate. I don’t know what is going on with this woman. Maybe she is part of the group that advocates violence against enemies and now expects the same, in return.

  4. More fucking idiots on parade. I personally am sick of them and if someone in Washington wants to kill them please get it god damned done so they can quit talking about it. We are living in the time of the stupid. I hope it ends soon.

  5. I guess that when you try to overthrow the government and nothing happens to you, then you hide from the fbi and nothing happens, there is no limit to what you can do.
    These people are everywhere.


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