Some here question my continued interest in Twitter, and I get it, the owner is a terrible person and is busy transforming the site into a right wing swamp. But following the goings on at Twitter still has moments; I mean where else can you see, in real time, Larry David unleash his devastating sarcasm on a clueless and unsuspecting MAGA mental midget or, as in today’s case, watch Fox News airhead Tomi Lahren embarrass herself lecturing billionaire software developer Mark Cuban on exactly what a tariff is?
“Far-right firebrand Tomi Lahren caused laughter by questioning businessman Mark Cuban’s knowledge of international trade and taxes.
Cuban took to X, commenting on Trump’s recent rally in Michigan, where he claimed, “We’re going to bring back the car industry.”
According to The Detroit News, Trump said, “We’re not going to let it disappear. We’re going to bring back jobs, we’re going to bring back factories, and make Michigan very successful again. And we can do that very easily through the taxation of foreign nations.”
Cuban asked how Trump intends to tax another nation.
Lahren replied, “Do you not know what a tariff is?”
I mean sure, you can read about it on Raw Story, but you’d also miss a lot of comedy gold by not seeing the entire exchange on Twitter.
Do you not know what a tariff is?
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) August 30, 2024
do you not know it’s Americans who pay the taxes on tariffs?
— LeGate メ𝟶 (@williamlegate) August 30, 2024
A tariff is passed through to the consumer just like any other tax. Are you really this gullible in your worship of Trump?
— David (@85badger) August 30, 2024
Yes. Yes she is.
Do you seriously not know how tariffs work and who ultimately pays it on the US side? Have you also considered how much the US has had to reimburse US farmers for reduced exports to foreign countries as a result? Get educated.
— philipfrazer.eth (@PhilipFrazer) August 30, 2024
Too late.
Do you know what a tax is? When it comes to business acumen I'm with @mcuban.
— Shawn Gray (@ABadDreamMaybe) August 30, 2024
Try not to be condescending, Tomi. Have a normal discourse.
— RP (@ChicoBonds) August 30, 2024
What???? 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
Let's be clear, Trump doesn't understand tariffs. Hell, he doesn't even understand how the economy works or where the government generates revenue. Too sophisticated for his simple mind
— David Hill (@David_H59) August 30, 2024
Please delete your account @TomiLahren to save yourself from the embarrassment.
— ModernWelfarewithAlexJones (@SchneiderJ33443) August 30, 2024
Mark, himself, went pretty easy on Tomi:
I do Tomi. The question is whether or not he does. Seriously.
Why didn’t he just say the word tariff ? Why does everyone always have to translate what he says, rather than him just being clear and making his point directly ?
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) August 30, 2024
But hell, that’s no fun.
They keep saying they love that he’s ‘plain spoken’, but they always have to ‘interpret’ his ‘plain speaking’.
There is a very large chasm between “plain speaking” and “not knowing what the hell you’re talking about”. Von shitzinpants is on the “not knowing” side of the chasm. Unfortunately, so are his followers/cult members.
I cannot remember shitzi being on any other side of the chasm quite frankly. The man makes people in a coma for years look brilliant in comparison.
Of all of Trump’s lies, two stand out: 1. the lie about what a tariff is (in Trump world it’s a check that the Chinese write to the U.S. Treasury) 2. the lie about how NATO “were deadbeats” but Trump “made them pay a lot of money.” Those are my favorites.
I still like that he said we would better health care than ever! Not to mention releasing his taxes or infastructure week.
As well as the one that Mexico would pay for the wall.