‘Not Her Body, Not Her Choice’ Indiana Announces It Owns Women, Fetuses


What’s going on in Indiana right now, and all over the country, is reminiscent of an Outer Limits episode. In this story, a woman becomes pregnant and she is literally picked up and spirited off to have the child in an institution. She will not raise the child. The child is the property of the state. You find out that this civilization is dying and no children are being born. That’s why the hysteria to literally incarcerate a woman and own the child that she bears.

What happens is that other forces are at work, and the woman is enabled to escape the prison and keep  her child and raise it in a Utopian setting. It is her child, it is her life, after all. When you read today’s story about the Republican party in Indiana, which approved a near-total ban on abortion Friday, you’ll see why it triggered the memory of this episode. Washington Post:

Rep. John Jacob (R):

“The body inside of the mom’s body is not her body. Let me repeat that: The body inside of the mom’s body is not her body. Not her body, not her choice,” said Jacob, a staunch abortion opponent who supported removing exceptions including for rape.

“Trying to end all abortion is not forced birth, but rather it is trying to end murdering children,” he said on the floor.

I suppose we should be grateful to this guy. At least he said what they really think and what we have always known that they think. At least now the cards are on the table.

Rep. Renee Pack (D):

“Sir, I am not a murderer. And my sisters are not murderers, either,” she said.

Pack told the chamber she had an abortion in 1990 while serving in the Army, according to the Indianapolis Star. “We are pro-choice. That is what we are,” she added. “We believe we have command over our own bodies.”

There is no choice, no command over your own body in Indiana.

This next one is a heart jerker.

Sen. Mike Bohacek (R):

Bohacek, who voted against the bill, could not finish his testimony as he spoke about his daughter, who has Down syndrome, and his concerns about protecting rape victims with disabilities. “If she loses her favorite stuffed animal, she’s inconsolable,” he said. “Imagine making her carry a child to term,” he said before choking up and stepping away.

That puts me in mind of the story about the 10-year-old crossing the state line to get an abortion so that bearing the child wouldn’t destroy her life. And there were plenty of GOPers who were just fine with the 10-year-old having the kid. And why not? We know deep down, now don’t we, that women are not fully human? That they are sub-human and their only justification for living is relational and being of service to the male? I mean, c’mon, let’s talk turkey here.

Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D):

Pryor referenced the recent case of a 10-year-old rape victim who had to travel to Indiana for the procedure because abortions are now banned in Ohio after six weeks. “I just don’t understand why we would force a baby, really at 10, to have a baby,” Pryor said.

Sen. Jean Leising (R):

“By closing abortion clinics and limiting abortions to only the most heartbreaking instances, we are making massive strides for the pro-life movement,” said Leising, who called Friday “a monumental day,” according to WRTV in Indianapolis. She said the ban should be “combined with funding increases directed toward pregnancy services and easing the financial burden of adoption.”

Have you noticed the clear pattern here, that the human beings, the ones who have a concept of real life in this world, have a “D” behind their names, and the dystopian, out of touch, inhumane fantasists have an “R”? If I had just arrived here in a spaceship and didn’t know this culture, that is the first thing that would occur to me.

It’s pretty scary to think that you don’t own your own body. By extension, do women own their own minds? How about their own souls? Do women even have souls?

Here’s the bottom line: the culture war is largely a war on women. Subjugation of the female is key. Once you accept that basic premise, a lot begins to make sense.


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  1. Yeah, these mostly male legislators are not only relegating their female citizens to second class citizens, they are also driving out businesses. Eli Lilly, one of Indiana’s largest employers, has already said they would look outside the state for expansion, explaining they couldn’t attract the best and brightest to such a backward state. I guess the Fundies have driven out all of the Chamber of Commerce rethugs. I say, keep digging that grave morons, eventually the electorate will wake up and take back their state.

    • If this trend continues, a lot of big companies other than Eli Lilly will be doing the same thing. I can see what the lure of working in Indiana might have been at one time, especially if you could get a good job there; wide open spaces, clean air. But couple that with backward, oppressive laws and there are other places to go. This may be the way of the future, and then we really will be two countries.

  2. I always remind these yahoos, on those very unfortunate times I have to converse with them, Torah IS g_d’s law and that law is quite plain about which body is actually a body and which life is actually a LIFE–the WOMAN’S.

    These laws are intended not only to control women but also to kill them. That is their intent. People tend to forget where the anti-woman movement originated–the church of rome and their reasoning was the woman not only was born of “original sin” (WTF???) but also as a woman was a descendant of the first sinner Eve–death is every woman’s due and dying in childbirth is the best way for a woman to die–seriously. It does not get more fucked up than that folks.

    The vagina who replaced RBG, the black man (& ginny) who replaced Marshall, alito, beer bong, etc.–these people BELIEVE THIS. They could give a happy rat’s ass less about you women–you’re not a man, you’re less than the fetus, you’re a sinner and death is your DUE. That has been the papist spiel for hundreds of years (since its inception in fact). Your evangs and the other con x-tians believe the same thing.

    The best way to rid ourselves of these fools is obviously vote progressives into office and change the s.c.–impeaching the liars on the court would be appropriate. Failing that, to actually save the lives of women (and girls BTW) doing whatever is necessary is the order of the day: TO SAVE LIVES. It is that plain.


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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead