Leopards don’t change their spots unless it’s economically advisable and even then, for only so long. I remember with some astonishment, back in 2016, none other than Newt Gingrich, saying negative things about Donald Trump, such as:  “How we make the transition from, you know, language for fourth graders to real policy, I don’t know.” The former House Speaker and owner of imperial lizards made a number of comments about Trump, which were characterized as “devastating,” and then the language really got colorful.

“This is not a guy who’s shallow or simple, but he is a guy who knows an immense amount about marketing, which is why he talks at a fourth-grade level. He talks at the lowest level of any candidate in either party, not because he’s stupid,” Gingrich said told the crowd of executive-level political staffers and corporate sponsors. “He does it because he knows if you talk at a fourth-grade level everybody can understand you.”

That was then and of course this is now. Gingrich was on Fox News tonight and he’s solidly back on Team Trump nowadays. The reason? Same reason any of them are, there’s a hope that Trump can create lightning in a bottle twice and pull out a 77,000 win across three states — or five or eight. Just perform a miracle, like before. So here is the Newt of 2024.

Jill Biden has any number of tasks to perform as First Lady, including representing our nation at the opening of the games. She will discharge all her obligations. I don’t know what is going on with Newt Gingrich. He knows all this. But for some reason he’s talking about her “spending millions” of “taxpayers’ dollars.” To fly to Paris? Seriously? Here is an ally of Joe Biden and the United States.

So here you have it, the sane and classy reaction to Joe’s decision today juxtaposed next to the batshit. This is the world we live in. The way Gingrich frames it, this is somehow unfair of Jill to attend functions as the spouse of a head of state. That’s nonsense. Everything she’s doing is perfect protocol and in perfect taste. But then again, we picked up this clip on Fox News and Joe really threw them a curve ball today. Aye, mama. It’s going to take a little while to recover. I don’t know if Trump will recover.


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    • Best should shut up.about anybody’s. wife, let alone Biden’s. He was screwing Wife #1 when he was 16 and she was his teacher. He served her with divorce papers while she was in the hospital battling uterine cancer. He fought the case so hard she had to take him.to court to pay her utility bills.

      His.second wife was the daughter of an Ohio mayor he met at a fundraiser. They married six months,after his divorce. His third wife was his partner in a,six year long affair while he was going after Clinton for the Lewinsky affair. Add hypocrisy to his aduktery.

      Neat is is irrelevant. He needs to shut up and stop pretending to be the GOP eminence grise; that role belongs to Romney who is better educated, better looking and not a serial.adulterer.

  1. Newt who? F.f.s. he’s such a has-been and totally irrelevant. Who gives two sh*ts what he has to say. Needs to crawl under his rock where he belongs. I would love to put him there.

  2. Well Newtie, I resented like hell (not to mention the shame and embarrassment for my country) that you accompanied wife #3 when Trump named her Ambassador to the Vatican. All that first class travel, living in the Ambassador’s residence and enjoying all the perks of the cushiest and one of the most prestigious of our diplomatic postings. Where YOUR worthless piece of shit ass sometimes stood in and represented the U.S. in your wife’s stead at functions both official and semi-official (like the Olympics) YOU after all carried on an affair on your first wife and when she was in a hospital bed all drugged up on painkillers after cancer surgery tried to con her into signing divorce papers that were drawn up to be favorable to you and legally screw her over. Then you cheated on your eventual second wife including with the third one who you’d wind up marrying. You know, the same woman who you accompanied to Rome on the taxpayer’s dime!

    You did plenty of damage to this country yourself, long before Trump got into politics. Sadly, you didn’t commit crimes, or at least were never charged. But you deserve the same end I fervently wish for Trump, dying alone in a prison cell somewhere. Just giving up after realizing you’d never walk outside those walls again, never again breathe free air or eat anything other than prison food. Isolated even from other prisoners to keep you from getting attacked. Knowing most people despised and hated you and whenever they thought of you (if some news story reminded them) thinking of where you are and thinking “good.” So you just give up mentally and some night when you go to bed you simply die in your sleep. It would be better than the end you deserved, to just die in your sleep but I’d settle for it.

        • The grounds for annulment for his second marriage was his wife had been previously married. The first one? If they were baptized Christians but not in a,sacramental.marriage (one performed by a minister) may be enough,,as is adultery. And despite claims to the contrary, annulment us a,tedious, lengthy process that can also be expensive.

    • Your choice of words, always amuses me, even though the subject, in this case, especially, shows the incomitance and foolish Republican moron’s statements that can hurt individuals, just doing their jobs, the ones that are doing things for other people’s benefits …

      Calling shit on the first lady is just SO Trump like, the old rule still stands proud, “If you can’t say something nice about someone working FOR the USA, shut your shit-filled mouth”, …

      DR. Jill Biden, has always been a fine example of a caring, active ADULT, not a two-bit miss-fit like Newtie Bang Bang, who probably plays back recordings of his own statements, simply because he loves the sound of his own voice …

      It IS exciting to think about Kamala’s future take-downs of Trump at every opportunity, the GOP has become a cesspool of pig manure, the stench that follows them down the long halls of the Capitol, will soon become ghost images of retired or incarcerated Republicans …

  3. I guess only democrats can be vile to democrats? Look at the way you have treated Joe…I can not forgive. No voting for me, but that’s ok cause i’m old like Joe, so I guess I’m out too?


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