I just wrote an article about what stupid shits the FUX News programming executives were to boycott the Thursday night hearing, while deciding to show today’s’ hearing, counting on lighter viewership.

But as I posted it, another thought flashed into my mind. Right or wrong, FUX made a business decision to boycott the Thursday night hearing. But then they turned around and reversed themselves today, and showed the hearing live. And in doing so, they just opened up a whole new can of worms.

Because FUX News has now really and for truly opened Pandora’s Box. There is nothing I have seen that shows that FUX paid any penalty for boycotting the Thursday night broadcast. FUX has spent years carefully obstructing their viewers from seeing anything even approaching fact. And that’s just the way they like it. They don’t want Mama to tell them there is no Santa Claus. They bovinely watched the regularly scheduled programming, and drooled themselves to sleep.

But then FUX went and boned the bow-wow. They took a tremendous ration of shit for choosing not to show Thursday’s hearing, and so they reversed themselves, and decided to show today’s hearing live, counting on a lighter audience that prime time Thursday night. Which was a fatal error for FUX.

Because today’s hearing was a nightmare for Trump, the GOP, and FUX. For more than 2 hours, their viewers heard testimony from people they knew that Trump had been told that he lost the election fair and square, and that there was no evidence of any kind of widespread voter fraud that could change the election. And yet he persisted.

And in doing so, FUX put itself in a box. They showed todays hearing live for their viewers. But today’s hearing was a total debacle. And there’s another one scheduled for Wednesday, and one after that on Friday. What do they do about those?

Think of FUX News as a parent. Today, they gave their kid his first candy bar. And now that they did, there is no way that they’re ever going to convince that kid that candy bars don’t exist. Their viewers are likely to know the hearings schedule. If they decide to black out the Wednesday and Friday hearings, they risk losing newly interested viewers to MSNBC, CNN, or ABC, or NBC, or CBS, all of whom will carry the hearing live.


And if they decide to bite the bullet, and show the rest of the hearings? Then they’re basically falling on their own sword. Because one of the future hearings deals specifically with media collusion to push the Big Lie to the public. And that means basically two words, FUX News. Airing that hearing will expose their prime time hosts as nothing more or less than craven liars serving a purely political motive, not providing fair and balanced news. And if they black it out, then they risk viewers going elsewhere to get the information for themselves.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. FUX News has spent the last 7 years building a temple of bullshit to Traitor Tot.

And now FUX News is about to learn the same lesson that everybody else who has ever dealt with the Mango Messiah learns, When you lie down with pigs, you wake up muddy. Good luck with this one, fools.


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  1. Since the viewers of Fux are mostly elderly, they more than anyone else will be watching during the day. What an odd strategy like hiding the truth in the first place. Fools indeed.


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