I can already see this coming a mile off. Arrogance and self entitlement, along with a tone deaf ear will kick your ass every time. And in less than a month, that pot is going to come to a boil, and Trump and Vance are going to get scalded.

I’m talking of course about the upcoming debates. But it’s what happens right now, that’s going to set the table for Harris and Walz down the road. Because these two silly dipsh*ts can’t stop handing Harris and Walz loads to beat them over the head with.

We’ll start with Traitor Tot. Right now Kamala Harris is leading Traitor Tot around like a mother leading her recalcitrant child to the corner by the ear. And there isn’t a goddamned thing that Trump can do about it.

Because he’s not ready for Harris. He’s never been ready, and he’ll never be ready. His 78 year old mind has been locked since day one on running rings around Sleepy Joe. Portray Biden as old and feeble, and himself as more youthful and energetic. Right. Like driving a golf cart around for five hours and swinging your arms once every two minutes is actually a form of exercise. And this dog is too old to learn how to answer the phone.

It’s in his genetic code, Traitor Tot can’t handle strong independent women, especially women of color. He instinctively sees women as useful arm candy, and good teachers for a mattress aerobics class, but that’s all. And when he’s challenged, his immediate fallback position is the same old male locker room sexism and misogyny.

Which Harris isn’t falling for. Yesterday El Pendejo ex Presidente put up a Q-Anon meme showing Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris side-by-side, with the caption “Funny how blowjobs impacted both of their careers differently. When asked, the Harris campaign scornfully declined to even bother to comment. And when CNN’s Dana Bash today, in Harris and Walz’a first joint media interview just couldn’t resist being an idiot, and asked Harris about whether she had officially changed her ethnicity, Harris pinned her with a look, and in an Antarctic voice said, Same old playbook. Next question please.

Which drives Il Douche insane. He pulls this lame sh*t for a reason. He wants to draw his opponent into a pissing match they can’t win since they have the normal guardrails for human behavior preclude them from jumping down into his toxic sewer. And when they show that strength, it makes him look small, childish, and petty.

And now there’s the cock up at Arlington National Cemetery. Trump’s official response was so much bullsh*t that the freaking Pentagon had to put out a statement that Trump had been warned about the rules, and that a Trump staffer physically pushed an employee trying to enforce the rules out of the way. Stick a pin in that for September 10th.

And with his Hillbilly imbecile, it’s even worse. It’s been weeks now, and he’s still trying to dig his way out of the childless cat lady comment. Now he’s saying that childless teachers are pedophile groomers who are out to brainwash children, called the Arlington National Cemetery employee that a Trump campaign staffer pushed around a mentally unstable person having an episode, and earlier today called firefighters union members who booed him haters.

Here’s the McGuffin. All of shis sh*t is legitimate national news. And as such you can count on quite a bit of it being brought up in one format or another at the debates. And if the moderators are straight shooters, they’ll directly quote the record to set up the question, or directly qoute Trump’s and Vance’s responses to previous questions. And then watch the fireworks fly.

Trump will be asked about the dispute on the most sacred, hallowed ground in America, and will fall back on today’s lame bullsh*t, I don’t know anything about the rules. I was invited to come to console grieving family members. They asked me to pose with them for a picture at the grave, so I did.

That statement has more holes than a wheel of Swiss cheese. But being an experienced prosecutor, Harris can afford to toss him a cookie, But Mr. Trump, we’re not talking about the photo of you posing with the family graveside. What we want to know is, how does a campaign employee shoving a cemetery staff member who is trying to enforce the rules aside, then filming you walking between the graves of fallen heroes, then turning to smile at the camera and throw a thumbs up to show your reverence for our fallen heroes? Especially when that footage shows up in an online campaign within hours of the event? 

Same thing on abortion, Mr. Trump, you repeatedly claim that everybody wanted the issue of abortion returned to the states. How can you justify that against a pre Dobbs poll that showed that 67% of Americans wanted national availability of abortion choices? 

And at every step of the way, Harris’s calm, dispassionate, clinical looks and tone of voice as she skewers Trump like a collector putting a butterfly on a cork board are going to grate on Trump’s nerves like fingernails on a blackboard. Mutes mics or no muted mics, Trump is going to blow a gasket on national television.

And it’s even  worse for beggar Vance going up against Tim Walz. First of all, Walz already owns Vance’s ass. Walz continues to portray himself on the campaign trail as the down home, let’s have a beer, fix the car candidate. While Vance is purposely portraying himself as some privileged, spoiled frat pledge who can say what he wants because his sugar daddy Peter Thiel and Donald Trump have his back.

On Vance’s claim that childless women should not be allowed to be teachers, the retort is simple and devastating, Senator, do you mean that Catholic Nuns who have devoted their lives to Christ, and who have college degrees in education shouldn’t be able to teach our children because they have no children, and therefore are groomers and brainwashers? Stand up and take a bow, fool.

And on the issue of Vance’s arrogant response defending Trump on the Arlington National Cemetery obscenity, Senator Vance, I have already publicly lauded your service. But please explain how your defense of your running mate taking campaign videos over the graves of fallen heroes, and then posting it in online videos, squares with your own personal honor in venerating our fallen heroes?

And it just goes on, and on, and on. Because these two f*cking howler monkeys are so busy pushing their message to their brain dead, disrespectful base that they don’t realize how it plays to the very veterans and Gold Star family members they’re desperately trying to woo and keep. The only question I still have in my mind is whether or not we hear the phrase President Bone Spurs in either debate. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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    • I suspect I may posess some secret super-power: I clicked the ‘thumbs-up’ on your post above and the score went from 10 to 20. Wow. I hope I’m mature enough to not abuse this sudden and very seductive ability.

  1. Indeed, indeed. The UK went screwy for many years, culminating in Brexit and a further 8 years of Tory (Conservative party) rule thereafter (utterly mad if you ask me – definitely turkeys voting for Christmas). Thank goodness we finally turned around and now have Labour in place (although if you listen to some, they appear to be Tory-lite – we’ll see).

    I can only hope that tRump, Vance and JFK Jr. will tank the Republican campaign so badly that as has been predicted by Murph and other writers on here the Republican party is done for, and for a very long time. We’re thinking our own Tories won’t see power again for many years. Fingers crossed, and all that. 🤞🤞🤞

    Hang in there guys: all may not be lost for the Dems; in fact it is looking the complete opposite (and I am praying we’re not all just stuck in some vast unrealistic echo chamber – please let the news articles be accurate and true now).

    I want to see tRump convicted at least a few more times, and I would so dearly love to see him in prison (but I accept that the chances of that happening are very slim to non-existent; never mind).

  2. Concinnity…you allow the rich to buy the lawmakers and the media to lie about what they’re all about and welcome to the road to perpetual propaganda.
    ‘Man as an individual is an insoluble mystery…as a group, he is a mathematical certainty.’ Sherlock Holmes


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