Israel, or more to the point Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and those who’ve been propping him are grudgingly admitting they crossed a bright red line. That line being deliberately attacking some World Central Kitchen vehicles conducting a humanitarian aid mission. A mission they’d informed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) about and gotten clearance for. The WCK folks were travelling along a pre-approved route and the IDF was in the loop the whole time. Yet in three separate missiles strikes each vehicle was targeted (they weren’t all together as the attacks progressed) and the aid workers were killed. Outrage has grown with each passing day, and even Bibi “F**k-you-I’ll-do-whatever-I-want Netanyahu is making noises about being “sorry.”

Sorry my ass! The only thing he’s sorry about is that his IDF didn’t hit all the vehicles at once when they were close together. At least that way he could have tried to brazen it out as a “tragic mistake” if folks got upset. And make no mistake that’s exactly what he would have done. However, as I’ve pointed out that’s not  how events unfolded. Oh, Bibi got what he wanted which was for WCK and other humanitarian aid groups to get the hell out of Gaza. He wanted to be rid of them as I wrote last night.

What he also jettisoned is ANY remaining goodwill he and his country have on the international stage. Worse, he’s now got the United States telling him no more blank checks in the form of aid, at least military aid.  THAT is devastating to him. He’s run around for decades acting like a rich kid high school bully snapping guys in the locker room in the ass with a towel, saying “what are you gonna do about it? MY dad can ruin your dad.” Some of these types snap their own dad with the towel as well, because they are the only one who can take over the family business some day. But sometimes ole dad decides enough is enough and it’s time to “cut this punk I’ve created off at the knees.”

That’s where Netanyahu finds himself now, and his country along with him. Also, remember those massive protests last year when he tried to ram through “reforms” to Israeli Courts to keep his ass out of jail someday? It looks like things might be building towards something even worse as in forcing him out of office. And quite possibly into jail if he can’t cut a deal for some sort of exile. As a result, according to new reporting including this one from from Rolling Stone Netanyahu is making noises that are supposed to sound like contrition.  His IDF put out a statement:

“Following a misidentification by the forces, the forces targeted the three WCK vehicles based on the misclassification of the event and misidentification of the vehicles as having Hamas operatives inside them, with the resulting strike leading to the deaths of seven innocent humanitarian aid workers. The strikes on the three vehicles were carried out in serious violation of the commands and IDF Standard Operating Procedures,” the IDF admitted.

The article notes that two IDF Officers have been “dismissed” from their positions (?) and two others “reprimanded.” Dismissed from their positions? (I’ve seen in other reporting the word “fired” has been used) Just what the hell does that actually mean? Were they relieved of their positions and assigned to other positions in the IDF? Or knocked down in rank and re-assigned to other duties? I smell bullshit all the way over here in the U.S. And as for “reprimands” to two others, I’d sure like to have been a fly on the wall for that! Why do I have the feeling the reprimand was more about being too ham-handed in carrying out the strikes instead of for actually helping murder humanitarian workers they KNEW were carrying out a humanitarian aid mission?

It’s worth noting as the linked article says that killing humanitarian workers has become routine in Gaza with the toll above 200 already. But this particular strike was so over the top it has too late gotten the U.S. and the rest of the world’s back up. WCK is a renowned organization worldwide. Through war, natural disaster and about any large need one can imagine they are there. Feeding people. And their leader isn’t some nobody. Chef Jose Andres who founded WCK has lots of friends in lots of high places. Including the U.S. where in DC he is known. And beloved. Chef Jose isn’t political – he’s just someone who’s enjoyed a good life and has a huge heart. He sees suffering and more than most has an ability to help so he does. Even dictators don’t want to mess with him or his aid workers. When he speaks people listen and he’s with good reason speaking up now:

“It’s not enough to simply try to avoid further humanitarian deaths, which have now approached close to 200,” WCK founder and celebrity chef José Andrés said in a statement. “All civilians need to be protected, and all innocent people in Gaza need to be fed and safe. And all hostages must be released.”

WCK reiterated its call for an independent investigation into the killings, writing that the IDF “cannot credibly investigate its own failure in Gaza.”

It seems he’s been talking to friends in DC and other world capitols and personally letting his feelings be known. Both on behalf of WCK and ALL humanitarian aid workers. Yep. Netanyahu has stepped in it big time. Also, it’s apparently even worse than laid out in the article I’ve linked to. Reporting from other mainstream outlets indicates that the IDF was closely watching this small collection of vehicles. They knew it was a “hands off” thing, but someone decided after dropping off their supplies one or more of the folks outside were “Hamas”, and that at least one of them got into the vehicle. That was enough to target it for a strike. And then target a second vehicle that turned to go and help. And then the third vehicle that tried to go and rescue any survivors!  I call bullshit.

The IDF knows damn well Andres isn’t political and that his people would never cozy up to Hamas, much less offer one or more of them a lift to somewhere. No, again I say Netanyahu wanted WCK and other humanitarian groups GONE from Gaza. If not explicitly he tacitly authorized the attack knowing it would result in humanitarian groups pulling out of Gaza. Fewer independent witnesses to the mass casualties on civilians he has been preparing to inflict.

Well, reaction as I’ve noted was much stronger than Bibi had anticipated. So now he has to at least look like he’s doing something. Taking action. “Punishing” the “rogue” commanders.  Bullshit, bullshit bullshit. “Dismissing” them from their duties? “Reprimands? Oh hell know. These commanders should have been arrested by whatever the IDF calls is MP’s and hauled to the brig in handcuffs. To face charges starting with at the very least dereliction of duty but actually murder. Same for rank and file IDT troops who took part. In the U.S., one not only has the right but the duty under the UCMJ to disobey an illegal order. And every person involved, from those who claimed one or more “Hamas terrorists” got into a WCK vehicle to those in the control room who gave the green light to the missile strikes knew goddamn well what they were doing was a crime under the International Laws of Land Warfare. (yes, there is such a thing)

I’ll say it again. Netanyahu himself should be indicted by the International Criminal Court. THAT might finally force Israel to slap down it’s Likud Party and even more extreme ones. There are too many people in that country with too much power who fervently believe every inch of land in Israel is “God given” for Jews and Jews alone.

As Rachel Maddow likes to say, “Don’t watch what they say, watch what they DO.” From where I sit it sounds like Israel/Netanyahu is saying one thing, something that sounds right but in reality aren’t DOING jack sh*t. Or to repeat how I started, what we’ve heard/seen so far isn’t enough. Not nearly enough. It’s not even close to being in the parking lot of the ballpark of enough. Contact elected officials and tell them what I’m saying which is that the people involved in these (and other attacks) need to be prosecuted. NOW. Followed by a cease fire and negotiations to get back remaining hostages.

Hamas has to be dealt with. And there are ways of doing so. Just not the approach Israel has taken.

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  1. Hitler left a note saying he was sorry. The goddamn jews who believe they have Yaweh up their collective ass are the Jewish version of the fascist xtans we have here…the Devil’s handmaidens. Phucking murderers. The ‘god’ that requires genocide is an asshole and sadist no matter what banner you march under.

  2. We need to stop all aid, of any kind, to Israel until Netanyahu is removed from office. If what I’ve been hearing is true, his intelligence was warned about the Hamas attack more than a year ago. He’s been allowing funding to Hamas up until they attacked. I’ve said all along that this was what he wanted.

    He wants every Palestinian dead so he can finally have every inch of their land. He’s tired of taking it inch by inch. The Israelis have had a reputation for having some of the best Intelligence in the world, yet they can only root out Hamas by bombing hospitals and the wholesale killing of innocent Palestinians. And it’s not enough to bomb civilians, he’s got to starve them to death too.

    This is so much like how Bush Jr. reacted after 9/11. Go to war to deflect from the fact that your so called intelligence (or was it all on you?) failed to respond to the warnings. Nothing like garnering support for a “war-time” president.

    I guarantee that if Stinky Pants gets back in the White House, he’ll start a war – just so he can play hero.



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