Nothing succeeds like success

If the past 5 years has taught us anything, it is that activism works! No shit, it works like nobody’s business. Just to list a few;

  • The Pink Pussy Hat march on Washington on January 21, 2017, turned into a global day of protests widely thought to be the largest of all time. The rage endured, and led to the Democrats flipping 40 House seats in 2018, and taking control of the House
  • Trump’s attempted Muslim ban on Muslims entering the country sparked months of protests, leading to delay after delay as courts found Trump’s orders unconstitutional. They also kept the outrage hot for Trump’s next atrocity, the separation of undocumented immigrant families at the southern border. This also helped to fuel the outrage that led to catastrophic GOP losses in the midterms
  • The immediate social uprising of the Black Lives Matter movement over the murders of unarmed George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Ahmad Arbery, and the crippling of unarmed b lack man Jacob Blake by a white Kenosha, Wisconsin police officer led to months of near daily protests in the streets, refusing to let the official bullshit stand. As a result, disgraced former officer Derek Chauvin rots in a Minnesota prison for the killing of Floyd, three white racist assholes are awaiting sentencing for the murder of Arbery, before facing federal civil rights charges, And the Kenosha unrest was nationalized by the fact that a 17 year old white racist shot and killed two men, and maimed a third during a BLM protest, all of whom were white!

Are you seeing the common connection here? In every case, the outrage was immediate after the initial action or decision, and it lasted for months, building on itself into a white hot light. And that is what we need to have happen again. Right here. Right now.

The Supreme Court just heard the oral arguments on the Mississippi lawsuit that directly seeks to overturn Roe v Wade. But unlike sequestered jurors, the justices live in the real world. They watch television, they listen to the radio, read the newspapers, and take in information that, like it or not, may influence their thinking when it comes to making a final decision.

The Democrats and the pro choice activists can’t afford to wait until the court makes an ultimate decision in May or June to activate. They need to activate right now, en masse, and keep the pressure up. They’ll own the stage. The American Taliban think they have this one in the bag with a super majority. The activists can control the media coverage, letting the justices know just how strongly they feel. And by activating early, and staying focused, they will keep their focus and outrage white hot going into November.

The Democrats have their seminal issue for the 2022 midterms. But they can’t just sit on their hands and wait for SCOTUS to light the match. They have to strike while the iron is hot, and keep the fury over women’s reproductive rights burning bright all the way through to November. The history is clear.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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