Well, this is way cool, Detroit Rappers Enimen and Gmac Cash teamed up to post a campaign rap video on YouTube extolling the accomplishments of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitman.

Some lyrics:

“Hey, who put money in the schools,
(Gretch did),
Made bein’ Governor look cool,
(Gretch did),
Who signed for the clean slate,
(Gretch did),
Made Michigan a clean state,
(Gretch did),
Who goy the funding for the kids,
(Gretch did)
Who got the roads gettin’ fixed,
(Gretch did)…”

But, here, Gmac can speak for himself:

The song got the attention of Democratic stalwart Adam Parkhomenko and his followers on Twitter:

Damn straight.





will.i.am did ok.


Hell yeah.







Vote for the Dem you can.

Thanks to Gmac Cash for this great song and to Enimen for promoting it.

Senator Warnock and John Fetterman could use a little of this magic.

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