McClatchy on their game, brings us a new find on Russian operatives tied to the never-to-be-damned-enough “troll factory” that brought us "President Trump" and already under indictment by special counsel Robert Mueller. A Russian group with ties to these...
From the day that Roger Ailes conceived it, to the day that Rupert Murdoch funded it, FUX News was a conservatives dream come true. It was a direct response to what conservatives nationwide felt was a liberal bias in the...
You can tell a lot about a person by looking at the company he keeps Let me make this clear right off of the bat. While I feel for Trump's defense  team, having raised four daughters that basically ignored me...
Roseanne Barr has a history of racist tweets going back to long before she drank Donald Trump's kool-aid and joined the cult. Despite that, she sees herself as a victim of both the "biased media" and prejudice against her...
Propaganda is as propaganda does, and that lady in pink in North Korea is a stone cold amateur compared to Fox Business host Lou Dobbs. She better understudy him. This has to be seen to be believed. Now play the...
I am actually posting this as a kind of Public Service Announcement, because I wubs you guys diiiiiiiiis much! And please, take my word for it, I go through this shit every time anything even approaching newsworthy happens on television. Let's start...
The written rules which the White House established after being ordered by a judge to return Jim Acosta’s hard pass, are really no different than they have ever been — except now if you violate them they’ll take away...
Look out, First Amendment. Thursday, Julian Assange's charges were escalated to include being charged under the Espionage Act. This is a crucial change, because previously Assange was being charged under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Being charged under...
Buck-buck-BUCKAW!   The New York Times Well, that was a breath of fetid air. The New York Times just announced that it has made the decision to remove political cartoons from all future editions of their “international” editions. They did this in response to...
This is something of a companion piece to the article Ursula posted earlier today. I'm seeing a lot of people giving up. Losing hope. Making forlorn plans to escape to whatever country that might take them, because Trump is going...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead