Tonight in Philadelphia President Biden threw down a gauntlet at the feet of those who would determine our future with a toxic mixture of lies, threats of violence and repression. Joe Biden is experienced enough to know that that gauntlet...
Yeah.  I’m saying it.   Charlie Manson died in 2017 and lifelong racist Trump who already had a literal crime family with multiple “compounds” (a lot nicer than Manson’s Spahn Ranch digs) decided he wanted to bring the weight of...
This one is precious: Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump   A.P. has just reported that the Russian Hoax Investigation has now cost our government over $17 million, and going up fast. No Collusion, except by the Democrats! 4:05 AM - 1 Jun...
This is unexpectedly strange but it's coming from the Associated Press so it's certainly credible. BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel considers U.S. President Donald Trump’s eviction from Twitter by the company “problematic,” her spokesman said Monday. Twitter permanently suspended Trump...
Donald Trump's legacy to last year's G-7 was to sign the traditional communique at the end of the summit, pledging to carry out what was agreed to therein, and then to huffily nullify it via tweet after hearing Justin...
As Charlie Pierce notes, the most recent Vanity Fair article detailing the happenings inside the zoo-break that is the White House makes a couple things perfectly clear: "The country is being led by a man three sandwiches short of a...
McClatchy on their game, brings us a new find on Russian operatives tied to the never-to-be-damned-enough “troll factory” that brought us "President Trump" and already under indictment by special counsel Robert Mueller. A Russian group with ties to these...
"Kim Jung Un loves his people." Donald Trump The United States has never had the moral authority it acted as though it deserved, or even pretended to have, but it used to have some, no matter how much our human rights...
At least when Hope Hicks was around, Trump's pants were pressed and he had it more or less together visually. By contrast, take a look at this. Dignity and decorum all the way. Any more word on what color he wants...
This didn't take long at all, and believe me, I've been watching the clock. Fox News had to do a spin on the bombshell New York Times report Tuesday about Trump's companies hemorrhaging $1.17Bil in a ten year span, and...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead