Yesterday saw quite the explosion from Trump on Truth Social.  There's a lot of Trump news out there (check out this CNN link) and none of it is good for Trump.  It's one "bigly" pile that's built up over...
I listened to what you're about to hear six times just to make sure that I was really hearing it. Donald Trump just posted this clip around midnight ET. The clip starts out, "As president of the United States...
On Jimmy Kimmel Live last night Cassidy Hutchinson revealed that Herr Gropinfuhrer insists on using only the smallest unopened ketchup bottles when ruining his burnt steaks because the “pop” the tiny bottle makes when his valet opens it assures...
The stock market giveth and the stock market taketh away. On Easter Sunday we were regaled by Donald Trump's flunkies and minions, all crowing about how "incredibly smart" he is and "what a great businessman." That was 48 hours...
Selling your soul to Satan is not a cheap proposition, as the Republican National Committee is finding out. The interesting thing here is what a symbiotic relationship it is. Trump needs them to kick him down money and the...
To calculate Donald Trump's emotional age, take his chronological age, remove the seven and what's left is it. The guy is just incredible and the only thing more incredible is that so many people in this country and the...
Like the rolling stone, the Lincoln Project gathers no moss. As you may recall from yesterday, Trumpty Dumpty went completely batshit when Lincoln Project posted a video about how MAGAs were being defrauded, left and right, by the so...
This is a howler. As you are painfully aware, Donald Trump has a formula now that he uses on the campaign trail. First of all, he doesn't campaign. He just tells tall tales wherein he is the hero, to...
This isn't the least bit surprising. Donald Trump is a predictable creature of habit. Right now he believes he has something bulletproof in Truth Social and so of course he's seeking to expand it -- when it's literally been...
It started out great. Biden gives an inspirational inauguration speech, sits down, passes a $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill, gets off to a rock-em-sock-em-robot start on vaccinations, and pulls off the impossible and gets an actual bipartisan infrastructure bill through congress. The...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead