It's amazing who gets an audience these days. Remember the loon who said that it was a sin to believe in climate change? The same guy is back on the airwaves telling you that the issue isn't to vaccinate...
Somehow or other we came to live in a theocracy, apparently, because so called men and women of God have seen fit to abandon scripture, as we understand that term, and preach the new gospel of Donald Jesus Trump....
Magical thinking is the essence of the prosperity consciousness gospel. Jim Bakker tells his congregation that if they just do two things, bee-leave and send him money, that they'll be fine, just fine. Take a look at this proposition from...
There's an old adage, you can't legislate morality. There's also the precept of separation between church and state, but throw all those ideas out the window. "The pulpit must take on abortion, gay marriage," etc., declaims MAGA Mario Murrillo,...
I wonder if assignment editors at Fox News take a look at all the stories of the day and ask themselves, "what would be the opposite of common sense and decency here?" and then go on to frame their...
The internet is routinely characterized as the venue where facts and reason part company and you can say anything, whereas print journalism is still the standard for credibility in reporting and opinion pieces. Wrong. At least today and in...
Holy Wrong Note, Batman, did this guy strike a chord! Baptist minister Stewart-Allen Clark has been preaching his version of the gospel to the women in his Missouri flock, telling them that above all else, God wants you to...
It's Sunday morning, folks, and the Southern Baptists are out there in the world going to their place of worship. I cannot tell you how many southerners I have known over the years that grew up as Baptists, decided...
Maybe I'm getting addled in my old age, but it seems to me that for most of my lifetime, the GOP has been The Party of Go. Especially since Newt Gingrich crawled out from under his Georgia rock and into...
The evangelicals are Donald Trump's most unwavering fans, but for some time there have been rumblings in other areas of the Christian world. The latest is a bipartisan super PAC Not Our Faith, which is anti-Trump. Huffington Post: “Mr. President,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead