It’s amazing who gets an audience these days. Remember the loon who said that it was a sin to believe in climate change? The same guy is back on the airwaves telling you that the issue isn’t to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that’s not the question. The question is will you do what you can to appease a right wing nut job version of God, because if you don’t he’ll keep all the vaccines from working and strike you dead that way. Here’s the latest.

The conflict here is between fundamentalism, and a strange version of it at that, and science. You would think that the Scopes monkey trial didn’t take place or any advancement of thought for many years since then, if you check out some of the educational quarrels in Texas. There are serious anti-evolutionists living there.

That’s Vaughn’s audience, apparently. They eat this right up, the fascist dictator God who will decide to abrogate all the laws of physics at the last minute and keep His children and His planet alive, if and we mean big IF here, they will only bow and scrape to fundy superstition and insanity.

At least he’s not advocating getting tiki torches and pitchforks and going after the abortionists or the gays, so we have come that far. But truth be known, that remedy may not be off the table, either. Give these bigots the right atmosphere where they feel they can act out without consequence and they’ll do most anything.

Take a look at this.

As always, there are two Americas, contiguous, comingled and coexisting. And “they” feel the same way, too.

Perfect polarity. 180 degrees apart. That’s where we are in this country. We’re totally at odds with one another. We think they’re nuts, they think we’re nuts. America and Amerikkka.

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  1. These kinds of radical, freaky no-mind RWNJ’s would, if they found someone in a bear trap in the woods, would offer them a prayer of hope if they just accept their stupid rhetoric as the supposed gospel they claim, and then go out to the barn and get a hack saw, handing it to the person, saying praise my lord almighty and there will be no pain …

    These people can be obtuse freaky to the point of endangerment to others because the super power is the mental picture of an always angelic figure standing at the golden gate to heaven with arms out-stretched to welcome these believers in magical powers that only the blessed can see and utilize …

    Common sense would make these charlatans appear as the weird dark humor and cause bursts of laughing, eyerolling, headshaking they deserve …

    The virus is so deadly easy to transmit, these nay Sayers have been dropping like flies …

  2. As a religion major studying with scholars, I can argue with the best of them. One thing I wonder is, IF there’s a Hell, it’s got to be full of startled mutherphuckers who, in life, thought they were ‘experts’ on ‘God’.

  3. Meanwhile, Afghanistan is basically turning into a literal hell on Earth as its own nutjob, religious fundamentalists have taken control of the country and in our own country, we’re dealing with idiots like this who, while condemning Muslim fundamentalists, have no problem hoping for the same type of theocracy, albeit of a Christian variety, to be established here.


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