This has been the week from Hell for Jerry Falwell, Jr. I mean, can't a guy even go out on his own yacht and party anymore? Sheesh. If you missed the festivities earlier in the week, Falwell inprudently, shall we...
This isn't at all surprising, considering it's coming from the lips of a man who self-identifies as "The Chosen One." Donald Trump spoke with Geraldo Rivera on Fox News Thursday morning and he said that Joe Biden is "against...
What say we have some good, clean, Christian fun right now? I mean, we come here everyday and read about the woes of the world and how Donald Trump has managed to trash the country more today than he...
The culture war is made up of what used to be fringe groups in the Republican party, before the inmates took over the asylum and nominated Donald Trump. One of the most pernicious of these groups is the evangelicals,...
Only two weeks ago, the big news was that Congresswomen, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, were banned from visiting Israel by Prime Minister Bibi N whose decision was instigated and promoted by the Great Orange...
The Bible speaks of plagues wreaking havoc in the land, but I never thought I would see one composed of preachers who call themselves Christians preaching hate and advocating violence from the pulpit. This is the inverse of Christianity,...
There is abuse of power and then there is abuse of power. New Jersey Presbyterian minister William Weaver claimed to be following the Bible -- and Native American rituals -- when he put together some voodoo routine involving stones,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead