I wonder if assignment editors at Fox News take a look at all the stories of the day and ask themselves, "what would be the opposite of common sense and decency here?" and then go on to frame their...
Magical thinking is the essence of the prosperity consciousness gospel. Jim Bakker tells his congregation that if they just do two things, bee-leave and send him money, that they'll be fine, just fine. Take a look at this proposition from...
"He ain't no drag. Papa's got a brand new bag." -- James Brown Jim Bakker is in a quandary. Actually, it's more of a conundrum. Very simply, there's no damn money coming in, he's in his 80's, nobody is buying...
Full Disclosure. I am a die hard, rock solid supporter of Bishop William Barber. I have been following him for years now as a political blogger, and am rapidly starting to think that he may be this generation's Dr. Martin...
I was inspired to republish one of my very earliest articles, from January 2, 2017, because of what happened tonight in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.  I had only been a blogger for three months when I wrote this. At the time...
Say what you will about the evangelical wingnuts, they provide comic relief and they do it regularly. Yes, Sir. While the rest of the comedians in America have to think up material, the evangelicals come by it naturally. Two clips...
I've seen some recent stories in the news about a feud breaking out between an Evangelical Leader in Iowa and Trump. Bob Vander Plaats is a well-known Evangelical leader in Iowa. Since 2010 he's headed up The Family Leader,...
A bad man pretending to be a good one is one of life's unfortunate spectacles. And it happens too often. It's particularly ironic that this particular bad man, with his divorces, his rape adjudication, his public love affairs splattered...
Organized religion is a major scam, the "opiate of the masses" and when you watch this you'll realize Lauren Boebert took an extra large dose. She goes on about how it doesn't matter that she's not educated, God's going...
A bit of confession, here. I do believe in God, although not in the sense of Him being a cosmic bellhop, who will grant your desires if only you bee-leave, ala the prosperity consciousness grifters. My concept is more...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead