Say what you will about the evangelical wingnuts, they provide comic relief and they do it regularly. Yes, Sir. While the rest of the comedians in America have to think up material, the evangelicals come by it naturally.

Two clips you’re about to see: 1) Trump the savior in 2022 and how hard that is, what with Satan chasing you with a pitchfork and all. Then 2) The same doofus preacher back in 2016 talking about Trump the born again Christian.

The only thing born again in 2016 was the desire to have the GOP get the evangelical vote and so, voila: a born again Trump was needed and one was cobbled together, by James Dobson and David Barton, to be precise.

Who knows, Satan might have turned against Trump. He might have gotten the word from Rupert Murdoch. As to which being is more capable of evil, Murdoch or Satan, I don’t even want to touch that one with a ten foot pole.

As promised, here’s Mark Burns in 2016.

I’m sure you need no further convincing that this man’s a menace to society, but listen to this anyhow.

Religion, Trump style. All I know, is if these are the people who are going to be in Heaven, I’ll take my chances in Hell.


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  1. I think I’d give more credence to this theory the x-tians have if Dr. Demon Spooge weighed in.

    Seriously tho’, this is really not funny any more. Insane people are running around free spouting whatever the voices in their heads are screaming. We used to call that schizophrenia. Now we call them x-tians. I’m waiting for the dogs in their heads to start barking-when they communicate with barks maybe, big maybe here, people will turn away from these people?

  2. The only way Donald Jessica Trump** would be under demonic attack would be if the demons turned on one of their own. Not, you understand, that that would be impossible (granting the existence of demons, theywould be among the first to turn on their own, especially an incompetent one of their own.)

  3. At this point,I believe every single person running for public office should have to take the MMPI. If they consistently say they hear the voice of their deity speaking directly to them and telling them any group of people (LGBTQ,,Catholics,atheists, non-Christians, more liberal Christians) should be put to death, lose rights, or become second class citizens–they are ruled out.

  4. From O Brother Where Art Thou:
    Pete: Tommy what does the devil look like?
    Everette: Well Pete, everyone knows the devil has many minions, but the great Satan himself is covered in red scales, has a bifurcated tail, & carries a hayfork.
    Tommy: Oh no sir! He’s white. White as you folks. He has empty eyes, a big booming voice, & travels around with a mean old hound.


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