Full Disclosure. I am a die hard, rock solid supporter of Bishop William Barber. I have been following him for years now as a political blogger, and am rapidly starting to think that he may be this generation’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He preached faith, love, tolerance, and equality for all people. But he also preaches social activism as a way for the meek and downtrodden to get what they need and deserve. And he walks the walk as well, activating the people to march for change.

For the past several years, his specialty has been his Moral Monday marches. And not just for local issues. Bishop Barber has used his reach, renown, and organizing skills to take those marches on the road to locations where he wants to put pressure on state and local officials with local constituents to try to force change. And it has met with success.

And for the past several months, Bishop Barber has brought his Moral Monday campaign to West Virginia, in order to put pressure on Senator Joe Manchin to get off of his high horse, and create a carve out in the filibuster for voting rights. And when Barber does it, he does it right. He doesn’t just show up in town with a couple of busloads of his flock and hold a protest. Who cares? Just a bunch of outside agitators, easy to explain away. Barber contacts local organizers and grassroots organizations, and turns out local constituents to add gravitas. And it’s worked. It has been reported that Manchin has privately complained bitterly about activists hounding and pressuring him to change his vote.

So far, so good. Manchin is feeling the pressure. West Virginia has one of the lowest 3 average voting turnout records in the country. And not just recently. For several cycles now, West Virginians have shown that they have completely lost faith in any politician or party improving their lot in life, which is why shitheels like Manchin can keep getting reelected. But West Virginia is a kind of a funky red state. Let’s not forget that West Virginia’s Governor was actually elected as a Democrat, before switching over to the GOP when Trump was elected.

And so, while I wish Bishop Barber Godspeed, and fair winds in his efforts, it appears to me that he is like a salmon swimming uphill in hopes of spawning. History shows that the people of West Virginia long ago gave up on politics as a solution to their problems. But on the upside, if Bishop Barber is actually able to seriously motivate the disenfranchised and lower middle class to become motivated to head to the polls, then there could be some serious surprises at the ballot box in November, when they make an impact on a state with such a low voter turnout. Keep punching, and keep the faith.

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