The Bible speaks of plagues wreaking havoc in the land, but I never thought I would see one composed of preachers who call themselves Christians preaching hate and advocating violence from the pulpit. This is the inverse of Christianity, no love, no tolerance, zero inclusion. Simply, this group of New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist ministers want to obliterate the gay community and they’re not mincing words about it. They are converging on Orlando, Florida this weekend, during Pride Month and on the third anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub Massacre.

The roster of speakers reads more like the directory of a terrorist organization rather than a convocation of Christian ministers. As Jesus said, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” [Proverbs 23:7] There is no question but that these guys’ hearts are black and clogged with the soot of hate. Friendly Atheist:

There’s Steven Anderson, who celebrated the massacre as soon as it happened because there were “50 less pedophiles in this world.” He added that he’s “not gonna sit here and cry about it and say it’s a tragedy, because it’s not.” He’s also said if he could push a button and kill every homosexual, he would “push it until it breaks.”

There’s Tommy McMurtry, who wishes we could go back to the time when society put gay people in their place: “six feet under.”

McMurtry also told his congregation that he hoped people would protest the MASA conference because it might get violent, and that could be a pretense for attendees to hurt or murder gay people.

… Pray that if they do any protests, that it gets violent. They have “Stand Your Ground” in Florida. So we’re allowed to fight back. So… I say “bring it!”

This is nothing more than a hate rally masquerading as a Christian conference. This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of speakers and churches involved.

Anderson himself has been banned from several European countries [30, to be precise] because of his bigotry — and most of the speakers are just imitating him. I’m surprised a lynching isn’t already on the schedule.

When Donald Trump was elected a rock moved from the front of a cave in Hell and all manner of Evil was released into the world — not that these forces weren’t present before, they just weren’t empowered to come out into the light and put their ugliness on full display. These are not men of God, by any definition or wild stretch of the imagination. The labels Talibangelical and Evilgelical fit these people like custom-made shoes.

Revelation 3:9 is appropriate: “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews Christians and are not, but do lie…” This group of ministers is following some Master and it ain’t Christ.



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    • These groups have always been with us, but now they feel like they can go out and do anything they want to. This weekend could get very ugly and then Trump is formally beginning his reelection campaign. I have said it before, but you are going to hear it many more times from me, this is going to be a vicious election, the worst in history.

      • I saw a documentary about the Stonewall Uprising on PBS just this morning…..

        ….if ever there was a group who needed a little refresher course on Stonewalling….

        • You know, we don’t know what could happen, with this mentality of people having an anti-gay hate rally and protesters going to Orlando to commemorate the Pulse Nightclub shooting, and deal with the rally. I didn’t know this shindig was going to be this big or this vitriolic. I thought it was that one loony, Boyle, just the other day. No, he’s not even the headliner. Steven Anderson, banned in 30 countries is. Thirty civilized countries want nothing to do with the creep, but he’s leading a hatemonger convention in Florida.

          The Stonewall Uprising is interesting. I may watch that documentary as well. It’s hot here, and I’m hiding in an air conditioned room. Might as well watch that. Thanks for the heads up.

          • It was a good documentary with interviews with actual members of both sides…..the cops and the protesters…..I had heard of the uprising, but never knew the intricacies of the situation……as with most things aired on PBS, very well done.

    • Seeing is believing. My God. So they took another metaphor from the Bible literally, just like the flat earthers do. If we are this stupid as a nation, then maybe it’s time for government of the people, by the people and for the people to perish from the earth.

      I have never seen anything like this video in my life. Bouncing up and down with a *%($ rattle snake in your hands? This would be a great scene in a black comedy about religion, I’ll tell you what.

      Who are these people, inbred hillbillies with eight toes? Space aliens incognito.

      • That report didn’t even touch on the arsenic drinking that is usually associated with the Holy Rollers (the name associated with that group).

        The whole thing is rather Monty Pythonish now that you mention it 😀

        If you’ve ever spent time in Appalachia, this would not surprise you at all……you get away from the larger cities in WVa, Tennessee, Kentucky, and southern Ohio, you get into real “Trump Country”, and it all becomes quite clear…..this is Trump’s base.

        There are people in that area who are their own fathers.


        • That brings some vague recollection to mind. Something about a hillbilly family where a guy married his grandfather’s new wife’s sister, and so he became his grandfather’s brother in law, and his own great uncle or some insanity like that. And then his son married his niece, and they had kids — so he was the uncle and grandfather, simultaneously of the kids. And I don’t remember the rest, but Game of Thrones has nothing on these people.

          And these morans thought that Trump was going to save the coal jobs for them? Actually, it’s all starting to make sense now.

        • Actually, you get as much, or more, inbreeding in other parts of the country. (Any group where you have to marry someone in the sect or convert your partner, with the alternative being kicked out and never seeing family again – there’s going to be a lot of inbreeding, most of it at the level of second cousins (legal – it’s 1/16). Quebec is another area with a lot of it.)

          • I got a little amusement from running my own family tree trough a program that figures out how inbred the person at the root is. Came out a little under 7% – there are at least four cousin marriages, unrelated to each other.

          • Yeah, second cousin is not a problem as a rule. Franklin ans Eleanor Roosevelt were, what fifth cousins? Also not a problem.Of course, there are a lot of people out there who think that a first cousin once removed is a second cousin (not true.)

        • I knew that ladies in the 18th century drank arsenic … as a cosmetic … for shin whitening. Now I’m wondering if these white supremacists are drinking it for “Christian” or cosmetic reasons. The 18th century ladies had to be very careful with the dosage, but it was possible not to kill yourself. If you mix it yourself, you do have some control over it, unlike snakes.


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