Quick hit, my sisters and brothers. I want to share. I am sensing a pattern, a tremor in the force. I am struggling to put it all together. Perhaps you can help in the comments, point me in the right...
Sarah Huckabee Sanders made a career out of lying in service to Trump, and she did it while on the taxpayer's dime. Turns out, that was her version of broadcasting school, because now she's graduated into the big time...
Yessss. As referenced earlier today in my more thought-provoking post, Trump lashed out at Fox for having the gall to publish its own poll and then stand by the results. I mean, y'all can probably near "fill-in" what Trump had to...
Journalists (print and talking heads) need to pursue and emphasize even better than they are now doing, a “no bullshit, objective reality education” program that this country needs. They start by designating the day that Trump sickeningly slinked down...
Nothing, and I mean nothing, makes me miss President Obama more than an appearance by Kellyanne Conway on my electric TV. Obviously, you might retort; "But of course Trump is ten times worse because he is the actual president." Oh, yeah?...
I am simply stunned and am going to leave much of the analysis to the growing number of commenters and their perceptive points. The title says it all. But the story springs from the FoxNews website, and so I cannot...
A large part of one's progressive bona fides is the belief no respect can be given even for conservatives who have been "never Trumpers" right from the start. Their previous views and writing over the last three decades made...
When one aspires to a fascist or fascist-like leadership position, the first thing one does is wrestle control of the media. This is certainly not genius insight, indeed I believe it is likely taught in high school. That is why...
It is easy to sit back and be all cool about shit, and talk about the rubes who watch Fox News, and the stuff they want to believe so badly that they talk themselves into it. I do challenge...
Oh, Trump is bitter today. He's probably got a bitterness hangover, because he emphatically did not like hearing Robert Mueller say Wednesday that he could be indicted for his misdeeds upon leaving the White House. Trump made his rancor...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead