Ouch! Fox Barks at Trump Talking Smack



As referenced earlier today in my more thought-provoking post, Trump lashed out at Fox for having the gall to publish its own poll and then stand by the results.

I mean, y’all can probably near “fill-in” what Trump had to say about all this, but let’s just summarize and avoid reading the entire quote: To wit: “Fox is different, blah blah, They used to be good to me, blah blah, they better be careful because I control this or that, blah blah.”


So, normally Fox would just silently sit by, perhaps with hands on hips, very slight shake of the head, and move to the next story.

Except, breathe in Brett Breiar:

“Fox has not changed,” Baier said in response. “We have a news side and an opinion side. Opinion folks express their opinions. We do polls.”

“Mr. President, we’ve invited you on Special Report many times. We’d love to have you back on. You’ve talked to George Stephanopoulos and Chuck Todd. Come on back. Me, Chris Wallace, the news side cover it fair, balanced, and unafraid.”

Did I hear that right? Did he just say …? Looks to me like Baier just said: “Dude, fuck off.”

But, you know, used way more words.

But that’s exactly what he said!

Does Fox know something we don’t know? Ha! Want a conspiracy theory?? They did manipulate their own poll, they found Trump polling 5-10 points lower than what they published, but they didn’t want to be rude and all that?

No. They didn’t.

They do know, that this might all come to an end, and that if and when it comes, they don’t want to be the ones on the Titanic running up and down telling people it will be okay, it’s just a temporary problem.

Kinda cool.

Keep it up, Fox!

I can’t believe I just said that.


Peace, y’all.


[email protected]: As I said, I try to answer all, it just may take a day or two. I appreciate the tremendous support.



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  1. Seems to me that the Murdoch boys are already looking past Trump as a viable source of political strength. And if THEY’RE doing that publicly, you know that there’s a lot more movers and shakers behind the scenes setting him up for a fall privately.


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