Donald Trump's Bible thumping photo-op has turned into a public relations catastrophe. The New York Times reported that it was the brain child of Hope Hicks, now back at the White House after her brief sabbatical at Fox News....
Propaganda is as propaganda does, and that lady in pink in North Korea is a stone cold amateur compared to Fox Business host Lou Dobbs. She better understudy him. This has to be seen to be believed. Now play the...
Three years ago, Michael Bloomberg, a fellow New Yorker, former Mayor of New York City, a capitalist for real warned us about this cheap con man. Three years ago, Hillary Clinton, a fellow presidential candidate, an experienced public servant, a...
Donald Trump has never known when to just keep his mouth shut. If you're just now tuning into the tragedy of Hurricane Dorian, five are dead in the Bahamas and Dorian is set to make landfall on the southeastern...
Donald Trump's thumbs must be sore, he's had such a busy Labor Day morning, dissing everybody from Paul Krugman to The Squad. And then he settled on his favorite nemesis, the media, and guess what? They're just making things...
On the same day that Neil Cavuto attempted to pull some of Fox News' reputation from the Trump Swamp, Fox's Jeannine Pirro poured raw sewage all over her radio show by citing as fact the same white nationalist theory...
Something might well be on the horizon, watch this space, because one of my two canaries just dropped. Fox News, at least the "news" part of it, is no longer taking Trump lying down. Today it got downright "candid," not...
Chris Cuomo from CNN interviewed Kayleigh McEnany, the Trump Campaign's very own Kelly Anne Conway, last night. It did not go well. Cuomo confronted McEnany about Trump's lies. Kayleigh responded that gravity pushes airplanes up into the sky, and anti-gravity allows...
The love affair between Donald Trump and Fox News has sailed through some choppy water in recent months and this morning, it hit the rocks -- although just why, is not clear. Democratic National Committee communications director Xochitl Hinojosa...
Oh, boy. 'Best hold me back, because this one's coming with all the literary lash I can muster. Sean Hannity has done plenty to assure anyone listening that when the big dog above was handing down souls, she had an...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead