Oh, Trump is bitter today. He’s probably got a bitterness hangover, because he emphatically did not like hearing Robert Mueller say Wednesday that he could be indicted for his misdeeds upon leaving the White House. Trump made his rancor known, by screaming at the press yesterday, especially the women. And then, as if to insult an already injured Trump, Fox News had the audacity to conduct a survey on the 2020 Election and that did it.

“Don’t they understaaaand,” groused the Whiner in Chief, “I’ve gone through a three year vicious WITCH HUNT and I want my mommeeeeeeee!! WAAAAAAA!! Fox News is mean!!! I’m gonna get you, you wait!!!!”

Nothing like a poised mind, amiable character and balanced emotions in a head of state, don’t you agree?

Fox News was quick to explain to the Only Viewer That Matters what happened:

So, let me see: this reporter thought that if she told Trump that all Fox did was report the facts of what happened — that somehow that would be adequate? Like Fox News is supposed to bother with facts, especially when those facts do not serve their prime and only directive, that of pandering to Donald Trump? Oh heavens, where on earth did she get that idea? No wonder the MAGAts were appalled.

Fox shot an arrow into the air, first it hit the bubble, and then Trump’s hair. A wounded animal is the most dangerous and Trump suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous Foxtune? Oh, my. Stay tuned, this is just getting started.

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  1. He is SUCH an embarrassment! A toddler having a temper tantrum. Hopefully Fox News will keep it up. The 2020 election is coming fast – will his thin skin survive all of the scrutiny he’ll be getting?

    • I’m telling you, for some time now, I cannot tell the difference between Trump and his parody account — or The Onion. He truly has degenerated into self-parody. I try not to remember that this Tangerine Tot has the nuclear codes. Maybe it’s time to re-screen Dr. Strangelove and learn how to love the bomb.

      • He seriously is more ridiculous than the parody accounts. Parody is an extension of the ridiculous. You can’t get too much more ridiculous than this.

  2. How fragile the man is under all his bluster. But that’s the pattern…with Trump 100% or else. And even being 100% will eventually net you nothing but heartbreak.

    • He really expects Fox News to be nothing but an adamantine echo chamber of his talking points and all the hosts merely there to feed him lines and stroke his ego. His grasp of objective reality is either degenerating or it was this tenuous to begin with. Any opinion which, Shark?

      • I say both. Shielded by his wealth, constantly making the same mistakes, getting angrier and angrier that the world refuses to bend to his will…it started off bad and it’s only gotten worse.

        • He was reel-y freaked when he did these tweets, though. You can hear it oozing out of him. Here he was, taking his victory lap, doing a victory dance, in fact, after the Mueller testimony — and then Fox has him losing to Biden? He took it very personally.

          • Call it “Triumph Of The Won’t”. No matter how much good news is coming his way, the bad news is never behind.

  3. He’s always seemed especially freaked out by Joe Biden. Maybe despite the bluster, Joe’s threat to take him out behind the barn (or whatever structure it was) had an impact on him. He’s such a weak, pathetic coward.

  4. Just randomly changing poll numbers on an election prediction is like me typing here that it’s 76 degrees here today when it’s 96. I can type that…but it didn’t become cool and pleasant outside. Go figure.

  5. Well, once I learned Fox was going to carry the Mueller hearings live I knew the rest of the week was going to be even worse that Trump’s normal level of awful. Without his daily morning ritual of repeated proverbial handjobs and blowjobs from his pals at Fox & Friends he was going to be in a bad way. Sure enough he has been, and with the Murdoch’s hedging their bets lately with some honest reporting I’d hate to be the staffer tasked with making sure he changes his diapers often enough!

  6. He’s single handedly destroying the Republican party & loving every second of it. Total moron with t he IQ of a baked potato. #silverspoonedloser

    • I wonder how they’re going to behave towards Trump after he’s off the stage? My impression is that they’re cut him dead. He’s there because he’s a useful idiot.

      • Of course they are, Ursula. It’ll be just like they did with W, only worse. I get the impression that if they could get away with it, they’d have him hit and fit him with cement shoes. As it stands, my idea of a presidential funeral for him when he dies is to weigh his body down with stones and throw it in the Potomac.


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