Jeez, even I tend to try to not get too over the top in my "Trump is the worst thing that ever happened to the United States" and "Trump is nothing but Republican evolution's natural result" articles. I suppose...
There's an old adage, If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Trump has spent a long, pathetic career in solving his problems by delaying, obfuscating, and obstructing. And now, with the 2022 midterm elections sitting on a razors edge, the GOP is hauling...
Don't say anything, you'll spoil the ending!   Too late, the ending came pre-spoiled   Old movie line We're still 18 months until the 2024 elections, and already the GOP is calling Tire Works to tow their bus in for new tires, since...
Trump almost surely overlooked how much criminal exposure he had in Georgia. Perhaps it's because the only case where there were no huge surprises that we might learn, like "showing files to Chinese officials for cash," or Giving away...
Even for a 3rd world, tinpot dictator wanna-be, some days it just ain't worth getting out of bed. First NBC News breaks a report stating that the FBI, Secret Service, and NYPD are actively coordinating the logistics and mechanics of...
Good lord. Come on. How is it that, when the administration found the first batch of documents back in November, Biden's lawyers and staff didn't insist on going through every file cabinet he had ever touched and collected everything, all...
We now have a guilty plea to a federal crime that directly implicates Donald Trump in a campaign expenditure felony. Whether Dershowitz is correct that campaign expenditure crimes are akin to jay-walking, there are differing levels of culpability within...
You know, if I had to guess, I'd say that well over half of America doesn't really like their job. But whatever the reason that they hate their job, they're stuck with it. The uncertainty of finding a new...
One didn't need to be a political analyst to see something like this coming. The GOP set this up themselves; it's just... well, they might have misjudged the size of their base, and they definitely misjudged the fury of...
New York City is truly one of the tourist capitals of the world, and though the numbers of folks trekking to the Big Apple haven’t quite recovered to pre-pandemic levels, it still expects to welcome more than 54 million...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead