Man, I hate it when fresh news overwhelms current reporting. I just wrote a new article about how the GOP is lost because abortion has been their only cause celebre for 50 years. And now new news is not...
New York Times columnist perfectly described the GOP's overarching problem in getting their messaging straight in a post Roe world. She wrote, From Day One GOP voters took the GOP's position on Roe v Wade seriously. Their messaging downfall is that since the...
Every now and again events take on a life of their own. No one can predict when these will occur. After the fact, nobody can say why this particular incident was such a turning point. You know that a...
Justice is always a wonderful thing to see and poetic justice is best of all. The Tennessee Lookout is running a story that indicates that the unfair and openly racist actions of the GOP supermajority in the Tennessee State...
The old saying is that in politics You campaign in poetry, and govern in prose. And never has that been more true than with President Joe Biden. Although with Biden the poetry is more like an Irish limerick than Keats, and...
You know, every time I see Gym Bag Jordan humiliate himself by trying to be a committee Chair, and looking like a kid in his daddy's suit and shoes, it keeps reminding me of the classic line in Jimmy...
ProPublica just blew the roof off of corrupt Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's house of sticks. It turns out that even with the laxest ethics rules on the planet, Ginni's Goon was either incapable of obeying simple instructions, or...
Pop Qiz! Q: What was Joe Biden's main campaign slogan in 2020? A: Democracy is on the ballot! And it worked like a charm. Trump and the GOP kept gifting Biden and the Democrats with example after example of autocratic and anti democratic behavior....
You know, having spent my entire life as a gracious loser (until I got back to the locker room), there is nothing I enjoy than watching the childish temper tantrums of a sore loser. Whatever I screamed or smashed, I did it in...
In law, as in everything else, when something happens, it's easy to get so far down in the weeds that you can't see the forest forest for the trees. And when something like a former President being indicted and...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead