You know, having spent my entire life as a gracious loser (until I got back to the locker room), there is nothing I enjoy than watching the childish temper tantrums of a sore loser. Whatever I screamed or smashed, I did it in private, after smiling and shaking hands.

Which brings us to uber sore loser, former Wisconsin Supreme Court judge Dan Kelly. Kelly was the perfect MAGA candidate. He is a known pro-lifer, Collected a tidy sum in legal fees from a state GOP group for running around the state promoting the fake elector scam following the 2020 election, and campaigning with other far right loony fellow travelers.

The election isn’t the only thing Kelly lost. He also lost his shit. In what nobody with an elementary school education would ever to call a concession speech, Kelly went off the handle, This election has been the most dishonest, deceitful, corrupt election I have ever had the misfortune to take part in. My opponent is a serial liar, and continually misrepresented my records and positions! DUH! That’s why they’re called opponents, fool! Kelly went on to predict the destruction of civilization in Wisconsin as we know it.

But here’s the thing. Wisconsin is the most gerrymandered state in the country. And that’s a provable fact. The GOP has super majorities in both chambers. And they’re not taking this loss sitting down.

It was reported today on MSNBC that even before judge Protasiewicz even takes her oath of office, the GOP super majority in the legislature is looking into the possibility of impeaching her! That’s right. She hasn’t even taken the oath of office yet, much less ruled on a case, and that’s exactly the way the Wisconsin state Senate wants to keep it. Basically, they want a do over.

Apparently GOP Senators in Wisconsin have a heavy burden of cheese curds between their ears, because I have one simple question for them. WHY?! If they just take a look at the numbers, they’d realize that this is a fools errand.

In national and statewide elections Wisconsin is the ultimate swing state. Biden won Wisconsin in 2020 by some 25,000 votes. Historically over the last 4 elections, presidential and statewide seats are settled by 0.75-1.25%. 

But when you look at in state legislature and Senate elections, it’s Alice-through-the-looking-glass time. In the last four elections, the Democrats have won the statewide popular vote by an average of 53.5-55%. It’s only the insane gerrymandering that keeps these quibbledicks safe and secure in their seats. And a 4-3 liberal court could change that in time for the 2024 election. And that’s why they’re on their back legs to keep the new justice from taking her seat.

Which only begs my original question. WHY?! It’s not like your man was even seriously in the game, he lost by 55.5-44.5%! Which just happens magically to be the same basic margin you shitheels have been losing the state by for the last 12-16 years! Even if you pull it off, dox the newbie, and force a new special election, as long as abortion rights and voting rights are the white hot issues, you’re only going to take an ass kicking in the next special election too.

That my friends, is the whole problem with Imperial privilege, and why we steered well clear of it as a country. When you’re used to picking your voters instead of being elected by the voters, you get fat, pompous, and lazy. And when your dumb, lazy asses get called on it, you think that all you have to do is to wave a magic legislative wand, pull another moldy stuffed rabbit out of your hat, and everything will be fine. OK, maybe in the old days, but with the surging youth vote ready to take control of their own destiny, that won’t work anymore. Here endeth the lesson. 

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  1. If these rethugs have any brain cells, they’ll realize impeaching Judge Janet only leaves an opening for Gov Evers to fill. Impeaching Gov Evers results in a democratic LT Gov. There are senate and assembly seats that are, up in 2024, currently rethug that will go dem if they pursue this disastrous plan.

  2. We all know the the Wisconsin supreme court isn’t above telling the voters they can’t be trusted with the vote so the court will step in and fix their erroneous voting patterns. (R)’s are a minority both in Wisconsin and the country, so only by underhanded tactics can they remain in power in the state. They’re all too willing to use them, even to the point of violating the law. They just make a new law allowing them to break the old one!

  3. Can we stop referring to these morons as “pro-life (r)”? They are anything but. Even if they weren’t so deep into the pockets of the gun industry their complete and utter disregard for women’s lives is very much on display, in their legislation, and marks them a quite ANTI-life.

    Things will become much clearer to voters if proper labels are used. They should accurately describe pols and ‘pubes are not nor have they ever been “pro-lifers”.

  4. “… even before judge Protasiewicz even takes her oath of office, the GOP super majority in the legislature is looking into the possibility of impeaching her!”
    You point out the political stupidity of the idea of trying to impeach her as soon as she takes office. How about the legal stupidity?
    An impeachment case has to be based on offences the office holder allegedly committed while in office. The fact that Republicans are talking about impeaching her before she has even takes the oath of office will absolutely disqualify any ensuing charges as totally political.



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