The problem with writing "in the moment" as I did yesterday in my take down of Alex Acosta's bullshit "explanation" is that subsequent events can overtake your writing. This happened yesterday, but fortunately, two "concepts" that I struggled to...
The "Allred Moment." That's what Eugene Robinson called it on MSNBC last night, and I couldn't have put it better meself. Now I know why the guy has a Pulitzer prize on his wall. But it was more than...
I'm now officially on "Resignation Alert" for Alex Acosta. As I type this, Acosta hasn't even started answering questions about his craven fold-spindle-mutilate on the Jeffrey Acosta case, and I've already heard enough. Acosta has to go, and I...
No one can serve two masters   Matthew 6:24 Look, I get it. Kinda. When you're used to cuffing around an inexplicably compliant congress, telling them who they can and can't talk to, what they can and can't see, you start...
I swear to God, every time you think it can't get worse, it does. In the age of Trump, it has almost become a drinking game, leading to a rush or liver transplant requests, to try to see just...
A subtle hint for the newest entry into the 2020 Democratic primaries, billionaire Tom Steyer. Go Home! And while you're at it, take that loopy Oracle of Delphi, Marianne Williamson with you. We're trying to conduct some serious business here. So...
Well, that was exciting. In the first round of Democratic debates, if they proved nothing else, the Democrats proved that they're not going to just stand around on stage like the Hall of Presidents at Disney World. But there is...
Friends, in less than 30 hours, the most wasteful, tacky, gaudy and profoundly tasteless Trump rally in the history of the Trump phenomenon will go forward, paid for with your nickle and mine, and disguised as an Independence Day...
* Sigh * Why, of why couldn’t the South Koreans have stopped His Lowness on his way back over that imaginary line for not having a valid passport and visa for entry into South Korea? After more than a...
You know, sometimes people tend to give His Lowness just way too damn much credit. They say that Trump is elevating Biden as the prohibitive front runner via Twitter because he wants to run against him. This is likely...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead