Law enforcement is a rough job. Federal law enforcement is even rougher. So federal agents really need a pal and confidant and you will be elated to know that they have found one in Donald Trump, Jr.

What’s that you say? Junior, the alleged druggie, knows a lot of FBI agents? DEA? I mean, are these the ones that he sees hiding in the shadows, behind the bread in the fridge, when he’s loaded? Oh, wait, that only happens when he gets paranoid, right before his connection comes over to drop off a new load of crack.

No, the agents Junior is talking about here are real live people, large men who cry easily and call him “Sir” we have no doubt. We’ve heard of their type before. They do seem to gravitate towards the Trumps, en masse, as a matter of fact. And they beg to pick up the dinner tab, too, at fine restaurants.

I think Junior should do a puppet show, don’t you? The way he waves his hands, once he gets really loaded, imagine how he could make the marionettes fly around. Seriously. They would just be dancing double and triple time, their little legs flying off.

We’re glad the FBI has you to come to, Junior. We will all sleep a little better tonight knowing that not only is there a chance your crazy a$$hole father has even more boxes of state secrets that we don’t know about stashed with the pool cleaning supplies, but that you’re hearing the confessions of the FBI agents that we are hoping and praying will find the missing documents before Vladimir Putin does.

Maybe Junior could invite all of these FBI agents he knows, and some CIA and NSA agents as well, hell get Homeland Security on the phone too, and they could all have a big sleep over at Mar-a-Lago and Kimberly can cook steaks. I think that’s a great idea. Junior might be able to start his own cult. Daddy would surely approve of that.

Yes, indeed, all is well in Trump world.


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  1. funny how all these “back the blue” folks are now so far on the other side of the issue they might as well be on the other side of the galaxy.

    Hypocrisy Meter comes in at….at least a 10.

  2. Has ANYONE seen DO DO DUMMY the second sober in the last three years?

    I guess his current activities don’t give him time to shoot wild animals at great distances with high powered rifles and binoculars to watch them fall …

    His rants show the inevitable reference to his Dad, the ultimate dumb ass with stashes of illegal documents to sell in his basement … (what kind of charges would be levied against him for doing that?), [Maybe there will be enough evidence to prove intent], He would probably generate millions maybe billions in bids … Unfortunately for him, GOOD for us, he is not smart enough to run that level of Treason without leaving a trail of Burger World wrappers wherever he goes …

    The whole Trump Family, (just this side if Barron and cousin Mary,) needs a few years to think about what they have done and may yet do before we close up the box canyon Trump has waddled into …

    • Good to see you here, my friend. I haven’t seen you in a thread in a while. (Might be my fault, I’m running different directions at once, trying to keep the Little Political Blog That Could tooting down the track.)

      I wish Peter Strzok or somebody who knows the ways of the FBI would comment on this allegation of Junior’s. I think this is hilarious.

  3. Riding that train, high on cocaine…Jr. you’d better watch your speed. (I don’t think Jerry Garcia will mind my plagiarism).



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