Even I'm starting to get dizzy from the pace this year. This was supposed to be a historically walkover midterm year for the GOP. But here's the funny thing. Even without Traitor tot, the GOP took a machete to...
Oh. My. God. The stupid sh*t actually did it. MSNBC just reported that Fratty Matty Gaetz has officially filed the papers to call for a House motion to Vacate the Chair to boot Current Squeaker cave-In McCarthy. And in doing...
I'm not proud. And I'm not macho, I'm a strapping Irish lad who's ready for whatever comes at him, have been all of my life. And I'm not ashamed to say that today US House Representative John Lewis reduced...
The networks and media all have their own pet slogans for it, Campaign 2024, The 2024 vote, The 2024 Presidential campaign. They all refer to it as the 3-35 election cycle, like it's just another normal political occurrence we go through every...
You know, the old October Surprise ain't what it used to be. The saying is decades old, going back to the days when everybody voted on election day. It stood for a late October revelation which could upset the balance of...
At some point we have to start paying attention before it's too late. And when I say we, I don't just mean Democrats, I mean Democrats, moderates, independents, and everybody who loves a little democracy in their democracy. We...
Mark my words, this is not going to end well for the GOP. In a brilliant A-Block segment last night, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC laid out that while conservative media has always been powerful in this country, it has a problem....
This will be old home week for anybody who ever raised children.  What do you want for lunch sweetie?  I dunno.  want a PBJ?  No..  Want a ham sammie?  Want some soup?  No.  Want Spaghetti-os?  No..  Want a grilled...
People who say that they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think that they don't care what people think   George Carlin It has been said before, by not only myself, but by others far more...
I just hope that the Democrats didn't commit the cardinal sin of over hyping Robert Mueller. As Mueller's actual testimony has loomed ever closer, both committee chairs, Nadler on Judiciary, and Schiff on Intelligence, have done a nice job...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead