I gotta be honest, being a political junkie, I am damn near OD'ing on this 1/6 committee stuff. Committee Chair Benny Thompson and Vice-Chair Liz Cheney couldn't be handling this any better, and their mutual respect is evident. This...
I live for this shit, I swear to God. I have written on multiple previous occasions about individuals who were the victims of Klan or neo-Nazi violence and threats, and even physical abuse, and then turned around and eschewed...
Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes? I'm sorry, but at this point I can only conclude that either the Democrats are bone stupid, or they just don't want it that bad. For months now, the...
I was greatly entertained by the 1/6 committee meeting tonight to hold Mark Meadows in criminal contempt of congress, for a couple of reasons. First of all, in the two previous contempt votes, it was quick. Chairman Thompson and...
You know, we have all been inundated in the media with the total meltdown of the GOP, and their total derelictions of duty and their oaths in their subservience to His Lowness. But to my mind, there's nothing quite...
I like beer. I've always liked beer. Do you like beer, Senator? I like beer   Justice Brett Kavanaugh You know, I don't begrudge anybody the right to be stupid. I've been known to be stupid myself on occasion, and you...
"I believe that Gandhi’s views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit: not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in...
Don't you tell me I can't be that stupid!   Any Trump supporter I swear to God, I almost had a stroke when I saw the footage on Ayman tonight. Granted, I was distracted, but there they were on the screen, a mob of vapid,...
Revenge is a dish best served cold   William Shakespeare I previously wrote an article in which I clearly defined the durance vile that Trump currently finds himself in as regards the criminal and civil investigations in New York state against...
This is almost too delicious for words. Once upon a time, there was a brazen con man known as Don the Con. Don conned everybody, but the funny thing was that he was such small change that nobody in authority...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead