Water find its own level, and I cannot think of a better place for Christian Walker, fils of Herschel Walker, than the land of Deliverance. It's a match made in heaven. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1552067990698577920 This is an embodiment of the truth of the...
Sweet Jesus, it's only been 5 months since Russia opened their bombardment, surged across the border, and Invaded Ukraine. And in the days following the invasion, the smart money in the media was that Russia would roll and finish the job...
Since the season ending episode of the J6 hearings last Thursday night, I've heard more and more network news hosts and talking heads keep drawing comparisons between the J6 Committee and the Mueller investigation into Trump/Russia. This is ridiculous, like...
Folks, this is starting to get scary. I mean, mega, massive, goose bump scary. A few days ago I posted a piece here "Both Steve Bannon and Ginni Thomas Are Looking To Wreck Civil Service, Replace With Trump Loyalists."...
Stupid is as stupid does   Mama Gump I wrote an article a day or so ago about the GOP autopsy report of 2012. In it I wrote that the second most important thing the GOP needed to do was to...
I'm glad that I watched Thursday nights J6 committee a 2nd time today. After it happened live, I wrote that the devil was in the details, and that the timing was everything. But what I caught today snapped it...
Lordy, lordy, lordy, doesn't time fly when you're having fun, trying to dismantle one of the only two national political parties in the US? The title may sound funny, but the historical results sure as hell weren't. Cast your mind...
Many a true word has been spoken in jest and many an insane scheme has been laughed at and ignored -- until people lived to regret it. We have a situation like that in front of us now. Steve Bannon...
Even a bass wouldn't get in trouble if it just kept it's big mouth shut! You know, the more the inner circle of the Trump criminal cabal unravels, the more I'm struck by one old adage. Birds of a feather flock...
History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme I am so glad to have heard that the J6 committee will be back, with a vengeance in September to keep dumping shit all over Trump's and the GOP's heads....



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead