You know, sometimes I'd like a chance to sit down at my laptop, a smile on my face, and bang out a nice inspirational article that warms my heart and makes my day. But when you're covering human Toxic Avengers like...
If it was almost anybody else on the planet, I'd feel sorry for them. But Trump's campaign staff signed onto this death cruise of their own free will, and now, for the first time they're discovering that the lifeboats...
Did you ever walk onto a car lot, or into the electronics section of a store, and the salesman comes over to you. His hand is out, and he's so oily you can literally see the sheen reflectiion in the lights,...
Trump's creation of 'Space Force' was ridiculous. CALLING it Space Force turned in into true Farce. Trump who considers himself the master of marketing and all things hip and cool figured the name would be a hit. Maybe it...
To paraphrase what I said a few days ago, Trump is like an unruly puppy. If you take him out in public, he yaps and nips. And if you leave him at home, he soils the carpet and pulls...
Lost in the news that for the moment a govt. shutdown has been averted is that House Republicans got a provision inserted into the Continuing Resolution to block 6 Billion in aid for Ukraine. Yes, this is the work...
According to the Associated Press, pressure from fellow Senate Republicans might finally be getting to the very, very not-at-all distinguished Senator from Alabama - Tommy Tub-O-Lard. Aka Tuberville. Due to his opposition to a DOD policy that allows travel...
Democrats should go on offense and introduce legislation providing back pay to officers whose promotions were held up due to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville's stunt. He could have gotten away with it if his fellow GOPers had stepped up...
Chickenhawk - n. - A person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it; particularly when that person's enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; most emphatically that person's lack of came in spite of ample opportunity in...
Talk with your mouth full. Bite the hand that feeds you. Bite off more than you can chew. You can dare to be stupid!   Weird Al Yankovic   Dare to be stupid Another day, and the end of yet another sad,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead