It's one thing to be shameless, it's another entirely to be shameful. But it's a rare witches brew that is required to create people who are so craven, desperate, and greedy that they are incapable of feeling either one. That being...
(Cartoon by Edel Rodriguez) As of this moment we have no idea, beyond some vague hints about an unhealthy interest in the sexual pursuits of French President Macron, and a souvenir/party favor from his pardon of Roger Stone, just what...
The floodgates of Truth Social are open right now. Donald Trump continues to post piece after piece in a manic frenzy. Will somebody grind a valium into his Diet Coke? Today he has managed to cobble together a vast...
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling just a touch nostalgic today, like watching your kid pull out of the driveway all alone for the first time. My baby is all grown up! Today marks the end of an era. For...
So little time, so much repetition. Thank God for Jack Smith's five minute breath of fresh air today while the same stuff kept getting repeated over and over again. I get it, some people are just tuning in. But...
Good thing drumpf’s lawyers got lawyers. Looks like they’re gonna need them. AlterNet “During an interview on MSNBC early Sunday morning, New Yorker Executive Editor David Rohde said his sources claim the DOJ investigators plan to put a pair of Donald Trump's...
No word on which nation’s nuclear defenses were stolen by drumpf, but it’s big trouble for him no matter which one it was… Washington Post “A document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities, was found by FBI...
The reporting today couldn't be worse for Traitor Tot, or better for the rest of us who dream of seeing him in an orange jumpsuit, looking like Grimace from the old Ronald McDonald ads. For those of you with a...
Reps. Beavis Jordan and Butthead Gaetz held an impromptu presser in their dump of a living room today to announce that they and other assorted seditionists in the House Dumbass Caucus had sent a letter to the DOJ and...
(Disclaimer - Top photo might be photoshopped. 🤣🤣🤣) Dinesh D’Souza began his writing career by excreting The End of Racism in 1995, a book so terrible and nonsensical that it was panned by pretty much everybody who knew anything about...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead