Alec Baldwin has been known to be feisty. He's not exactly a guy who hides his feelings. He even had to agree to receive anger management counseling in 2019 after a very heated spat over a parking space in...
No, Amichai Eliyahu, nuking Gaza is not an option and, given your position as a minister in Israel’s cabinet suggesting, even “metaphorically”, in a radio interview no less, that it is should result in your immediate dismissal. Instead Israeli...
I think the insult fest days of one Donald J. Trump are coming to an end. Simply, peace time and war time are very different things. In a carefree world of mostly peace, idiocy can flourish because people have...
I just wrote about how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can't survive as Israeli Prime Minister. And I don't mean in the long term, in my humble opinion we can measure the rest of Netanyahu's current tenure as Prime Minister in...
Careful what you wish for, Donald, you just might get it. Donald Trump has been posting a lot of all-caps screeds lately. He seems to be screaming himself hoarse as he makes his little thumbs sore pounding on the...
Washington DC, and for that matter much of American and Israel too are all worked up these days. Why? Lifelong, staunch defender of and advocate for Israel Senator Chuck Schumer gave a speech in the Senate the other day....
Yes, we (make no mistake, the U.S. is in this up to our eyeballs) are in the middle of the tragic events unfolding in Israel including the part of that country known as the Gaza Strip. It's been noted...
Many decades ago, the 26 year old version of me became a Marine. Infantry. While things were raging in Beirut in fact. I won't bore you with more on that but note that in the PX and shops surrounding...
This has been a tough day for me. And this is a tough topic. Forty years ago my Marine Corps suffered it's worse loss of Marines in a single day since the battle for Iwo Jima in WWII. Iran...
I never thought I would see this in my lifetime. Talk of Jews, gas chambers and concentration camps is conversation that I had with the holocaust survivors that I knew and they've all been gone for a number of...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead