Careful what you wish for, Donald, you just might get it. Donald Trump has been posting a lot of all-caps screeds lately. He seems to be screaming himself hoarse as he makes his little thumbs sore pounding on the phone keyboard. He’s both displacing aggression over his legal and financial troubles and trying to figure out a way back into the White House. His high card these days is NO WARS WHEN I WAS PRESIDENT! and variations of that theme. Here’s his latest screed on the Abraham Accords and then you’ll see the fine mess that’s gotten him into.

What this has done is focus attention on the Abraham Accords and the fact that they were a trade deal and not a peace deal. And they didn’t work even when Trump was in office. There were missiles flying within months of the signing of the Abraham Accords. But since Trump is insisting, here is one of the articles linked to in a reply to his above screed on Truth Social and X. Vanity Fair January 29, 2020:

Last June, more than two years after his father-in-law assigned him the task of bringing peace to the Middle East, Jared Kushner held a big kickoff conference in Bahrain to unveil the economic portion of his plan—and it did not go well. For starters, Palestinian leadership boycotted the entire event, feeling that the plan was missing a few key details, such as, just as an example, solutions for control of the West Bank and Palestinian statehood. Kushner, ever the real estate agent, gave a speech in which he spoke of transforming the Gaza Strip into a tourist destination, failing to mention Israel and Egypt’s 12-year blockade of the Hamas-controlled territory, in addition to Israel’s 52-year-long occupation of the West Bank, which restricts trade and labor movements. When the Boy Prince of New Jersey touched on politics, it was to offer the savvy take that if everyone just stopped “doing terrorism,” it would “allow for much faster flow of goods and people.” Not surprisingly, the whole thing was panned by experts, one of whom described Kushner’s plan as “the Monty Python sketch of Israeli-Palestinian peace initiatives.” Undeterred, Kushner got on a call with Arab and Israeli reporters and, putting on his salesman cap, explained that his vision was 100% workable if Palestinian leadership would stop being so “hysterical and stupid.”

Was this the greatest way to convince people to get on board? Probably not! Yet, incredibly, Kushner apparently thought it was exactly the right approach, and we know this because on Tuesday, after the White House unveiled its full vision for peace in the Middle East—which calls for no evacuation of settlements, limits Palestinian presence in Jerusalem, and includes no path to statehood beyond the vague mention of a “future State of Palestine”—he repeated it again, except this time he cranked the a-hole from a 12 to a 45.

Appearing on CNN, Kushner told Christiane Amanpour that critics of his plan—of which there are a comically huge number—must “divorce [themselves] from all of the history” and focus on the deal he has outlined for them. And speaking of history, Kushner posited that if this whole thing fails, it’s not going to be because a glorified slumlord somehow didn’t get it right but because Palestinians are morons who don’t know what’s good for them.  Sayeth Kushner:

(Now this entire clip is a jewel, a testament to the hubris coupled with idiocy of Jared Kushner, but the comical part can be heard starting at 3:48, where Kushner disparages Palestinian leadership for their “day of rage.” Listen to that and then think about January 6.)

“Who do you know that when they don’t get what they want, they call for a ‘Day Of Rage?’ That’s not how people who are capable of running a state work.” Jared, My Star, we could not agree more. Have you shared this view with Daddy-in-Law?

And Israel is far from unified right now and Jared didn’t cause some magical unification. He’s just hyping that to MAGA. Netanyahu has had a lot of arrows aimed at him for not being prepared for what happened a week ago today.

But back to Kushner, because Trump is insisting on how drop dead wonderful the Abraham Accords are, all of the old tapes are coming to light. Here’s another one. This came on the heels of Kushner saying he had “read 25 books on the subject.”

Sounds like a kid bragging about a term paper, does it not? “80 pages and a map.” That’s a great proposal. Reminds me of another great proposal that was going to fix everything and didn’t, “40 acres and a mule.” Yeah, what are those Palestinians bitching about anyhow, Jared gave ’em 80 pages — and a map. And did he use a Sharpie on the map, just asking?

And never forget, Kushner couldn’t get a security clearance on his own. Trump ordered John Kelly to make it happen because Jared and Ivanka were not used to hearing the word “no” with respect to anything they asked for. It wasn’t even in their vocabulary, much less their life experience.

The White House counsel at the time, Donald F. McGahn II, also wrote an internal memo outlining the concerns that had been raised about Mr. Kushner—including by the C.I.A.—and how Mr. McGahn had recommended that he not be given a top-secret clearance.

To be clear, the normal process for granting someone a security clearance involves the White House’s personnel security office making a determination after an F.B.I. background check. If there is a dispute about how to move forward—something that rarely happens—the White House counsel makes the call, which, in this case, was overruled by the president, another highly unusual occurrence. Also highly unusual? For the president, his daughter, and his son-in-law’s lawyer to insist everything was done by the book when that clearly wasn’t the case:

The disclosure of the memos contradicts statements made by the president, who told The New York Times in January in an Oval Office interview that he had no role in his son-in-law receiving his clearance.

Mr. Kushner’s lawyer, Abbe D. Lowell, also said that at the time the clearance was granted last year that his client went through a standard process. Ivanka Trump, the president’s eldest daughter and Mr. Kushner’s wife, said the same thing three weeks ago.

(Ivanka’s exact words: “There were anonymous leaks about there being issues. But the president had no involvement pertaining to my clearance or my husband’s clearance, zero.”)

In a statement on Thursday, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “We don’t comment on security clearances.” Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Kushner’s lawyer, offered the bizarre explanation that new revelations don’t change the original statements, even if said revelations suggest the original statements were lies. (“In 2018, White House and security-clearance officials affirmed that Mr. Kushner’s security clearance was handled in the regular process with no pressure from anyone,” Mirijanian said. “That was conveyed to the media at the time, and new stories, if accurate, do not change what was affirmed at the time.”)

Democrats have already announced that their committees will be looking into the curious case of Kushner’s clearance, with Representative Adam Schiff saying in a statement that the allegations are “the latest indicator of the president’s utter disregard for our national security and for the men and women who sacrifice so much every day to keep us safe.” In related news, earlier this week, Kushner was reunited with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the first time since the kingdom murdered a U.S. resident via bone saw, and news emerged about the administration’s efforts to sell “sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia.”

That is from a March 1, 2019 article in Vanity Fair, ladies and gentlemen.

If Trump had the sense that God gave a goat, he would not be insisting upon turning the spotlight onto the Abraham Accords or activities of his own which can be traced as paving the way either towards the Ukraine invasion by Trump bestie Vladmir Putin or towards last week’s blow up in the Middle East. But Trump insists that he needs a good, clean mantra to sell to MAGA and hopefully others, so he can get back in the White House. And No Wars is it.

There’s an old expression, “when you point the finger, there’s three more pointing back at you.” Trump’s blaming Biden for everything and acting like these two theaters of war have nothing to do with him, they just magically manifested out of the blue. Fine. Look for more gems to come out of CNN’s K file and other places. We’re only too happy to retrace the Abraham Accords and all the other idiocy which came out of those four interminable years Trump was in office.



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  1. Ahh the famous ‘accords’ which basically gave the finger to the UN, the Palestinians and Syrians by ‘legitimising’ the take over of East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and large chunks of the East Bank.

    Basically, they had absolutely ZERO to do with any ‘peace settlement’. You can’t have a ‘settlement’ without involving both groups involved in the discussions and the Palestinians weren’t even consulted, let alone invited to take part.

    But then JarJar was really working for the Saudis (and got a nice pay-off of a couple of billion).

    On a different topic: I’m beginning to wonder how come Mossad didn’t spot any build up by Hamas. Casting a jaundiced eye on various political stunts, I sort of recall that everyone and their brother KNEW that the Argentinian government was gearing up to make a move on the Falklands but Maggie Thatcher (who was, basically on the way out) acted all surprised when it happened and then decided to send in the troops (who could have been airlifted in way before that). The result – she had a war and came up smelling of roses and got re-elected. Bush did the same – he invaded Iraq for no good reason(no-one ever did find the ‘weapons of mass destruction – did they?). The result was he had a ‘victory’ party and got re-elected.

    Netanyahu is facing some very serious criminal charges – so why am I not suprised that he suddenly had a ‘war’ on his hands?

    • You could be right. In a different era i would call your thinking cynical but frankly I’m amazed Trump didn’t declare war on Iran when he was in office. And yes, the glaring red flag here is that Mossad didn’t pick up on this — nor did anybody else. That’s the incomprehensible part to me. But maybe it’s not so incomprehensible.

      Good point. Wish I’d thought of it myself.

    • Who’s to say that Mossad DIDN’T spot the build-up?

      If you REALLY want to get into conspiracy theory territory, how about this: Netanyahu was informed by Mossad of the build-up (there’s been some evidence that Hamas members were doing some clear training IN THE OPEN and ALONG THE BORDER prior to the attacks) and he told Mossad to sit on the information knowing an attack could be turned to his advantage. Oh sure, he might take some temporary hits but suppose–just suppose–he could get his opposition in a place where they’d actually work with him and kind of “lose interest” in his ongoing scandals. Why, he might even be able to push through his plan to end the Judiciary’s role in government–in the “interests of national security”–and people wouldn’t really object.
      ‘Yahu’s been around long enough to think of, and even pull off, a scheme such as the above.

      • As I pointed out, intel has been sat on before in order to whip up ‘patriotic fervour’ about the dastardly deeds those sneaky bar stewards pulled without any warning.

        It’s almost as old as warfare itself


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