Today is “D” day, for “dreaded” for TSA workers because this is the first paycheck they’ve missed and the heat is on. The average TSA worker makes $35,000 a year, and the majority of them live paycheck to paycheck....
Better late than never. John Kelly was still Chief of Staff when the government shutdown began on December 22 and his last day of work was January 3, so your guess is as good as mine whether he tried...
Talk with your mouth full. Bite the hand that feeds you. Bite off more than you can chew. You can dare to be stupid!   Weird Al Yankovic   Dare to be stupid Another day, and the end of yet another sad,...
w did you see the news today? They say the danger’s gone away. But I can see the fires still alight. They’re burning into the night   Land of Confusion   Genesis My two youngest daughters love zombie movies, especially the Resident...
"Let heaven and men and devils, let them all, All, all, cry shame against me, yet I'll speak." -- Othello - - It's a shame that Shakespeare isn't around to write up this tale of political treachery. This is right up his...
Ringleaders of a far-right conspiracy to overthrow the elected German Government, overrun its Parliament and install a half-assed aristocrat as head of state were arrested at their homes across Germany early yesterday…because sedition is apparently against the law there. Those...
I just realized this when I was looking at some poll cross tabs the other day. The GOP is in a whole lot worse trouble than I thought they were, which means that they're in a shit load more...
It's a bad idea for people who are standing on thin ice to start pouring hot water everywhere, but apparently Kevin McCarthy didn't get the memo. You have doubtlessly seen the negative quotes from the New York Times, which...
What do the most power-mad senate majority leader in modern history and a television producer known for shows described as “a potent cocktail of repulsion and attraction”  have in common? Between the two of them, they assured the journey...
Brett Kavanaugh may be making all the right noises now about women and diversity in order to appear centrist and reasonable. But just take a look at his history and you will easily deduce that he, like Donald Trump,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead