You know, at this point, I think about the best thing you can say about Machine gun Margie is that, if she could learn how to hold her arms up like a referee signaling a touchdown, she'd make a...
You know for a fact that if someone like DeSantis beats Trump for the GOP nomination, not only will Trump "not support" the candidate (DeSantis), but Trump will do all he can to dismantle DeSantis's campaign, perhaps running as...
As you can tell by his radiant smile in the top photo, Ron DeSantis was positively giddy to receive the possibly least sought endorsement in the history of Presidential politics, when Jeb Bush went on Fox News to deliver...
Believe me, I've seen George Santos before. I've seen him for the last six years every time I look at Donald Trump, and I saw him up close and personal in my sociopathic ex wife. Look, I'm no psychiatrist or...
It was just one week ago that lawyers for Dominion voting systems submitted texts from Fox's big three, Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham, demonstrating that they were mocking Team Trump's excuses, including the problems with Dominion, then going on air...
Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oh, boy! Looks like Florida Governor Ron Pissantis really shit in his mess kit this time. The minute I saw the video on MSNBC tonight, my flashback was...
This guy needs to step down. And I mean now. I realize that in Alaska, a state with a population of 723,000 and falling, one can't expect everyone to be a Senator Warren or Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, some real...
This came to me as a bolt out o the blue today, and I'm running with it, so here we go. Strap in and get ready for the ride. As much as we may not wish to be, we are...
There used to be an inviolable rule, one that - like so many other rules and traditions, went out the door with Trump and the MAGAs, that politics stopped at the water's edge, and a president out of the...
Why? Why does Kevin McCarthy get to give Tucker Carlson the entirety of the surveillance video from January 6th? This video has been held back because it contains various secret areas of the Capitol and would allow a future...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead